Join Shamanic Astrology Co-Founder Cayelin Castell & I this Sunday, February 23 from 5:00 to 6:15 pm for the first call of our new Morning Star Venus Teleclass Series: Journey Through Inanna’s Seven Gates
Of special benefit to anyone with Capricorn Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Venus, entering their Venus Return Cycle, or wanting to work with the Venus Cycle as ceremony. Learn more and Sign up here.
Week of February 16 to 22 Free Report
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North Node Moves into Libra, South Node in Aries
The big event of the week is the shift from North Node in Scorpio/South Node in Taurus to North Node in Libra, South Node in Aries. Since September of 2012 the North Node has been traveling through Scorpio, with the South Node in Taurus.
On Wednesday, February 19, the North Node moves into Libra, and the South Node into Aries, where they will remain for nearly two years. The North Node, or “Tail of the Dragon” as the Chinese astrologers referred to it, is not a planet but a point in space, the place where the orbit of the Sun and the Moon intersect. Its association with the dragon is tied to its deep relationship with the eclipse.
The North Node represents the destiny point, or re-alignment with original intent on an individual’s birth chart as well as for the collective. It represents the most progressive path forward, the evolutionary mode we are stepping into. With North Node in Libra, for the next 2 years humanity is on a path toward integrating the most progressive forms of partnership, collaborative community building, and creative synergy between groups and individuals.
The South Node, or Tail of the Dragon, represents the past, or the point of origin. Frequently it points to what we need to do to clear or heal from the past, as well as offering positive currently relevant medicine from the past. With the South Node now in Aries, it is time for human culture to face and consciously release the old armoring and survival orientation of the Aries warrior archetype, allowing the essence of Aries to come through with power and positive potential.
The Nodes do not operate in a dramatic fashion; they are more of a “free will” expression. Meaning that there is support from the Universe to move in this direction and when we do, we get a big return on energy and a great deal of momentum. However, it is still a choice and so we individually and collectively benefit tremendously at this time from developing skills in cooperation, collaboration, and synergetic partnerships.
The true balance between Libra and Aries, which is ultimately what we are seeking, is to bring forward our individual, authentic, and impassioned Selfhood (Aries) into the realm of partnership and community (Libra) to be of service to the whole. When we know who we are, and when we are clear about our personal cause and mission, we can meet other strong and self-knowing individuals with enthusiasm for navigating our differences and potential synergies.
I suspect this transit will demand some clearing in the realm of Aries initially, as we bump up against the areas where we are not fully individuated and thus need to stick fiercely to our personal needs, preferences, and missions, from fear of losing self and identity. Yet as we continually return to the questions-who am I and what am I here for-and stand in this truth with greater and greater self-trust, we will become strong enough to stand in circle, and meld our energies with others in a powerful and magical way. This is how the New Earth will be born, through our fertile intersection of self and other.