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Week of April 7 to 12: Mars in Libra Synodic Cycle & the Grand Cross


In my last newsletter I said that the Aries New Moon initiated a two-week window for action–clearing the decks, completing tasks, self care. I still hold that for the next six days it’s the best course of action, as we need as much clarity and spaciousness as we can garner to take full advantage of the eclipse window and Grand Cross energies of the second half of April.

Yet it is also true that the Grand Cross doesn’t just “happen” without buildup, so for the first two weeks of April we have been feeling the great building intensity of the Grand Cross, activated by the Sun, and the impending approach of Pluto, Uranus, Mars, and Jupiter into the Grand Cross configuration, exact April 23. So “getting things done” might not always feel free from complication. This has a great deal to do as well with the Retrograde Mars energy.

I’ve been stunned by the number of car accidents in the last week, including a beloved Shamanic Astrologer who died in an automobile accident last week. Please readers, drive with care and know that there is a great deal of amped up, frustrated energy in the air, and it’s up to us to maintain practices to invoke calm, to slow down and ground so that we don’t get caught up in the frenetic energy that pulls us off center powerfully at this time.

Mechanical problems are also very common, as are communication issues. Because Mars is in Libra, those of us in committed partnerships are likely feeling as though our feet are to the fire, needing to get clear on what we want, what is not working, what must change in order to step into true authenticity in our partnerships and in our own being. For some, this can be a time where our hearts begin to know it is time for an ending or a beginning, though full action comes later.

With Jupiter now traveling direct in Cancer and triggered by the Grand Cross, we are also experiencing breakthroughs in the realm of Cancer. For some, profound breakthroughs in the area of old established family dynamics and wounding are occurring. Continue to ask for help with this, and practice radical self-care and compassion, as well as compassion for others because we are ALL stirred up right now, and many people don’t have elegant tools deal with the accelerated rate of change and increased levels of energetic shift.

This is ALSO a time of great magic and possibility. To me it continues to feel as though the Divine is closer than ever, and it only takes a moment of prayer, meditation, dance or Chi Kung in the morning Sun, or a walk in nature to feel in the flow of feeling, of connection, of joy and full presence. We are breaking open, breaking free, breaking into our new being-ness and though this involves discomfort, pain, and overwhelm in one moment, in the next it brings renewal, open-heartedness, and sometimes a dizzying sense of gratitude for life itself.

In my prayers lately I have been calling in the Circle of the Grandmothers to support and hold me through these processes of transformational change. They are powerful allies at this time. In prayers I have also been developing a practice where I name all the areas of my life where I am in confusion, or feel stuck, and I put each of these areas into an imaginary “cauldron” in front of me, and offer them up to Beloved Source, to the Divine. I know they will be transformed, and I will gain clarity in the weeks to come.

I hold the expectation that clarity is coming. I ask myself-what do you most deeply desire? What do you want most truly at every level of your being? I am getting glimpses and patterns and when I do, I write them down. I observe what keeps coming back. I have found that I actually DO know what I want in many areas of my life.

Focusing on what lights you up, turns you on, and has juice in it for you is very helpful right now for a couple of reasons. One relates to the Mars Retrograde journey. As Cayelin Castell describes it, the retrograde cycle’s energy is like pulling an arrow back in a bow. The energy and tension becomes intensely greater as you pull back, and when you let it fly, it has tremendous force behind it.

While Mars is retrograde, we are taking aim as the arrow is being pulled back in the bow. When Mars stations direct on May 19, we want as much clarity as possible so that we can truly “let our arrows of desire fly.” So release your fears of asking for what you want. Be willing to continue to ask that, pay attention to what comes up-and to what blocks the way to EXPERIENCING what you want, and know that the energy to move forward will be available soon.

The second reason it’s so vital right now to focus our energy and attention on what we are TRULY on juiced about is because when we are in these rumbling, shaky earth Grand Cross Eclipse energies right now it is essential to focus on what we are moving toward, rather than getting sucked back into the energy of what HAS BEEN.

Focusing on our victim stories of how it has been is treacherous for us at this time. Go to where the energy is–in the present moment, and in positive building of energy around what we want to experience in our future.

What WORKS to get unstuck? Keep returning to center through whatever works for you-meditation, prayer, healthy food, time in nature, calling a friend for support, etc. Know your old patterns are showing up with great ferocity right now BECAUSE you are clearly stating what you want and so you first must FEEL the blocks and then release them Find a million and one ways to support yourself in honoring your own path, your own intuition, your own internal guidance system and use those tools. For me, I have begun tracking, every morning, what I did the day before that helps me move toward change and transformation and my heart’s desires Ask for help, for what you want, and FEEL what it’s like to receive that help and the clearing needed to get there with ease and grace Libra Mars Synodic Cycle: Honoring the Relational Masculine

This week features a big event–the beginning of a new two-plus-year Mars Cycle. A new Mars cycle begins when Mars opposes the Sun-an event occurring every 778 days, or about 26 months. Tonight, Tuesday April 8th, as well as for several nights to come, look for Mars’ rise in the east very close to the same time the Sun sets in the west.

Thus begins Mars’ 778-day Libra Synodic Cycle tonight and completion of its 778-day Virgo Synodic Cycle. This Sun Mars opposition will not occur again until May of 2016, when Mars begins a Sagittarius Synodic Cycle. We won’t experience another Libra Mars Synodic Cycle for another 15 years, in 2029.

So what does this all mean? For the collective, the Libra Mars Cycle initiates a period where the Relational Masculine takes the world stage. For the next two-plus-years we are collectively supported in activating right relationship, equal conscious partnership, synergistic, peace-oriented cultural bonds.

At the personal level, individuals who are at the ages of 15, 30-31, 47, 62, or 79 are beginning their personal Mars Return Cycle. For men, this means that over the course of the next two years you will be experiencing an initiatory journey to help you “drop into” your full masculinity at a deeper level. For women, this is a time to claim and own your “inner masculine,” and tend the Sacred Marriage work.

Healthy Libra, whether expressed by the individual or the collective, is not a pushover. Libra can be quite forceful in its resolve to right injustice, to enforce equality, to not put up with anything in partnership that is false, or inauthentic. We are in such vital need of the Libra energies in our time. Of a healthy investigation of what it means to align our actions in relationship with our stated values.

There is far more to say about this very significant Mars in Libra Cycle, so expect more in the future. I also highly recommend this article by Daniel Giamario as well as to stay tuned to the Mars Synodic Cycle Teleconference Series which will be offered by Daniel and Shamanic Astrology Mystery School Managing Director Erik Roth beginning in June.

Like my and Cayelin’s Venus Morning Star Teleconference Series, this will be the first time a full ceremonial container is created for participants to work with the Mars Cycle and the Sacred Masculine.

And finally, save the date for the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School’s Annual Conference at Tubac, Arizona, Oct 3-5, 2014. The theme is: “The Power of the Inner Sacred Marriage and the Full-Spectrum Masculine.”

Is the Grand Cross Activating YOU personally?

If you have Moon, Venus, Mars, Ascendant, Descendant, Midheaven, IC, North or South Node between 12-14 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries, or Libra, you are in the cross hairs of this cycle and it represents the greatest potential for a breakthrough for you–as well as the greatest intensity! Find out by casting your free chart here.

IF SO, I highly recommend scheduling a reading (contact me at, to learn how to best navigate this energy.

ALSO, if you have not yet heard my Meet Your Grandmother Guide Meditation, I highly recommend it! This is part of what I have created for the Capricorn Venus Teleclass Circle, but I want to offer it to everyone for free. It is on Cayelin Castell’s home site, scroll down to the center of the page.

Finally, more support to meet this month of great intensity can be found here, through Cayelin Castell and Lauren Jubilerer’s awesome free offering on the Grand Cross and how to work with it. I HIGHLY recommend this positive and supportive resource.

Weekly Transits

April 7, Monday. The Cancer First Quarter Moon (17 Cancer 27) is exact 1:31 am and passes about 12° S of Pollux as it exits the sacred hoop about 12 hours later. Mercury enters Aries at 8:35 am. April 8, Tuesday. The Moon enters Leo at 2:50 am – visible near the Beehive cluster in the evening sky. Retrograde Mars (19 Libra 06) reaches opposition to the Sun (19 Libra 06) at 2:40 pm. April 9, Wednesday. Retrograde Vesta has reached its second exact alignment with Spica. April 10, Thursday. Moon enters Virgo at 3:08 pm passing 5° SSW of Regulus. April 11, Friday. Venus conjuncts Neptune (6 Pisces 41) at 7:24 pm. April 12, Saturday. The Sun (22 Aries) is making its annual conjunction with the fixed star Baten Kaitos.

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