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Total Solar Eclipse/Super Pisces New Moon


The Pisces Super New Moon is exact tonight at 5:54 pm PST, with the eclipse at totality at about 5:58 pm. The path for this eclipse is a narrow one, and only those on certain islands of Indonesia can see it in its totality.

The partial solar eclipse will be visible in Hawaii, Alaska, south and eastern Asia, Korea, Japan, and north and western Australia.

Though many of us cannot SEE the Total Eclipse, we can all tune into and feel it. If you’d like to see it, you can do so live and online between 5 and 6:15 PST at this link:

Tonight’s Total Solar Eclipse opens a two-week eclipse window that closes on March 23, just after the Spring Equinox with a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse/Super Full Moon in Libra.

Eclipse windows are a magical, potential-filled period where we experience time as more elastic and accelerated, and the portals and gates to other realms, times, and dimensions are open.

Tonight’s eclipse is with the South Node and Chiron. Jupiter opposes it, amplifying and expanding the impact of South Node, Chiron, Sun and Moon in Pisces.

Chiron invites us to face into our hidden wounds, to grieve, to accept life precisely where it is and most of all to FEEL it, so as to integrate the experience and healing at the deepest levels.

Eclipses with the South Node invite us to release and let go of old patterns of thought and action. With Chiron on the South Node/Eclipse we may be experiencing overwhelming grief, sadness, a feeling of loss or disillusionment.

With the Eclipse in Pisces, conjunct South Node and Chiron, opposed by Jupiter, this eclipse may be experienced as collective grief, or letting go of illusions, or false perceptions which might have given us comfort, yet shielded us from a full experience of life.

To me it feels similar to the practice of heating up the body so as to “break” a fever. Jupiter is expanding the experience of loss, grief, letting go, so that we can fully immerse ourselves, during this eclipse, into the experience of transmuting these emotions and breaking through to the other side of cooling, and healing.

The key right now is to allow ourselves to feel what we are feeling, even to “abet” or speed up that process through ceremony as Jupiter is doing for us right now, so that we can fully claim the deep relief, release, and healing that is present for us at this time.

How might we “abet” the process? Here are some simple ideas:

1. Simply meditate and allow yourself to feel in your body where you are carrying heaviness, sadness, or grief, and take some minutes to simply “hold” with your loving awareness and acceptance, those feelings until you feel them dissolve.

2. Identify the sad stories and beliefs you are carrying at this time, and write them out, as poems or short stories.

3. Listen to the saddest music you can imagine and dance to this music, really feeling in your body the grief and sadness that has been animating you.

4. Find a sad song inside of yourself and sing it, perhaps in the shower, or in your car.

5. Gather with others and simply be willing to share what is happening in your life in a vulnerable, and unguarded way, asking to be supported and witnessed in your vulnerability.

I have been blown away to hear how many people are undergoing major transition in their lives over the coming months. A common theme is that we simply “don’t know” what the next steps will be.

We are all letting go of old identities, comforting but distorted beliefs, and habits that have emerged from our conditioning and childhood wounding. It is truly time to shed our old skin, and to step into our lives with vulnerability, authenticity, and a surrendered heart. It is time to learn to dance with the unknown, to surrender ever more deeply to being guided by Spirit.

This Pisces Super New Moon Eclipse invites us to CHOOSE to let go, to grieve, to release, to feel what we feel without judgment, knowing that when this storm clears we will feel cleansed, renewed, and strengthened from the inside.

This is such a powerful time for prayer, to ask for help, to cultivate our relationship with higher guides, with Creator, with Spirit. It is time to allow the pain to truly crack us open, so we can become more tender, more compassionate, and more receptive to love and light, pouring into us from the God Source that is all around us at this time.

Speaking for myself, for the past few days my emotions have been very close to the surface, and I have felt alternating waves of grief, loss, sadness, and a tender appreciation for my life.

My partner Tom and I will be taking a trial separation this summer beginning April 15, when the lease for our beautiful home out on the land in the Manzanita Mountains comes to an end.

We continue to love and cherish each other, yet have come to a point where we know we must choose to die to our old relationship. We choose to set each other free, and step into the unknown each on our path, open to, but without guarantee that we will find our way back to each other.

We have our personal grief and love to feel now, the preciousness of each moment together as we prepare to part. Many of us are also feeling grief and overwhelm due to the toxicity of the current political/electoral process.

It can be easy at this time to become bitter and disillusioned, but it is essential to simply allow ourselves to feel our grief, our sorrow, and stand in that, weeping with the Earth, with the ancestors, with all those who suffer, and allow ourselves to experience the healing that comes when we are courageous enough to simply feel.

As the Moon lines up perfectly with the Sun, and we experience all of these powerful energies intersecting, we are invited to fully feel our personal and collective wounds, and allow to fall away the illusions, the habits of distraction that mask the pain, the anger and rancor that protects our hopeful hearts.

And when the Moon’s shadow crosses over the face of the Sun, and reveals the Sun’s brightness again, we know that a new day is dawning. We know that it is time to plant the seeds of our new beginnings, in the fresh soil, moistened by our tears.

We may feel the heaviness I describe below, but we also sense the light breaking through our present darkness, and we sense that this time of planetary and personal healing is essential.

A quiet, yet immense, surrendered joy lies just on the other side of our courageous dive into the depths of grief and healing.

Let us immerse ourselves in the waters of feeling and healing, and come out the other side refreshed, marveling at the beauty of our world, marveling at our increased capacity to receive and give love from our deepened hearts.

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