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The Power of Totality and Eclipse Integration

I’ve been blown away by all the deep insight, healing, awakening, breakthroughs coming through for so many during the eclipse window. We’ve ALL just been through an epic Ceremonial Rite of Passage.

What was your experience before, during and after the eclipse?

There were a vast myriad of experiences based on need of our soul’s growth, our spiritual “upgrade” and DNA activation. The unfolding of that pre, during, and post initiation may have felt more like an overwhelming death and rebirth, a middle world “wake up it’s time to make a big change,” event, a celestial bliss and oneness experience –or some combination of all three!

For myself, admittedly, it was all three at once. And I am so grateful to have powerful tools for integration and reflection in my toolbelt!

I am offering Eclipse Integration Readings until September 15, which you can sign up for HERE.

My Eclipse Integration Experience

It has taken a week to integrate my eclipse experience enough to fully share it with others. It was very intensive, with a great deal to unpack. This morning, I realized my focus has been external and doing-oriented leading up to the eclipse (planning webinars, giving readings, organizing an event in my community), and I had not truly taken sufficient time to draw inward.

Yesterday, finally, I took a day by myself with no agenda whatsover. This was just the medicine I needed and I felt so restored after! We moved mountains energetically before and during the eclipse, so it’s important to take time to rest.

Some took an opposite approach to mine–taking the months prior to the eclipse for deep meditation, cleansing, inner focus and less outer activity. If this describes you, you’ll probably be moving into action mode quite quickly post eclipse while others, like me, will take the next several months for the deeper inner work, planning, and integration.

My feeling is that the eclipse window extends through to September 20 and the Fall Equinox. This is because Mercury, Mars, and Venus travel through Leo and trigger the Eclipse Point up until September 20. So he coming weeks are a potent time to fully integrate the eclipse experience for greatest benefit.

Columbia Missouri Community Eclipse Celebration!

My Eclipse Experience: White Pines and the Sacred Fire

I was bewildered in the months leading up to the eclipse because I simply could not pin down the right location and ceremonial container for the event. I wanted a clear yes I could feel down to my bones and nothing was right.

I have felt the eclipse was and is so important that it had drawn me to move from Albuquerque to Columbia, Missouri at least for now, because Columbia was directly on the path of Totality.

Finally, just two weeks prior, the location and ceremony came together, magically and synchronistically as it should be! We decided to have it at my friends Emily and Drew’s farm. They had just moved to Columbia take over Drew’s grandfather’s property and transform it into a farm and permaculture site.

As soon as we pinned down the location, my friend Jeffery Grundtner, a ceremonialist and astrologer reached out to tell me he’d had a dream guiding him to spend the eclipse with me and my community in Columbia, Missouri.  I asked if he would lead ceremony leading up to the eclipse and he said yes.

Maya, whose Sac and Fox ancestors had once resided called this area homa, agreed to be Firekeeper throughout the entire event, and so held sacred space from Sunday through Monday.

Sunday afternoon, Drew cut down a white pine on the property. He and Jeffery cleared the mess of the tree and branches while Maya cleaned up the old fire pit which was littered with trash and melted plastic, Together by that evening they had created a beautiful fire pit with a circle of log chairs all around. That night Maya lit the sacred fire.

The White Pine, Jeffery reminded me, was an integral part of the Iroquois Confederacy’s story about the Great Law of Peace. When the warring tribes came together as peaceable nations they threw their weapons down into the waters beneath the Great White Pine.  Learn aboutt the significance of that through my Webinar HERE.

Sunday night 30 dear friends and family members gathered to open ceremony with prayer, guided meditation, and Despacho Ceremony to give gratitude for all we were releasing and seeds planted for this Super Leo New Moon Total Solar Eclipse.

On the day of the eclipse and prior to the ceremony, Jeffery led us through a powerful guided meditation where we raised our energy through love and gratitude and connected energetically with beloved friends at other sites observing the eclipse and sites that were sacred to us all across the globe.

Together, we created a powerful grid of healing and regeneration for the Earth. I had a moment of pure amazement and bliss where I recognized EVERYTHING had been divinely orchestrated to bring us all together in that moment, and I felt such a rush of gratitude!

Imagine the millions who were out under the Sun and the Moon at totality, and the millions more who bore witness to this powerful moment online. Millions bearing witness to the Sun and the Moon in their most intimate dance. The moment of awe and complete wonder at totality we all shared.

Imagine hundreds of thousands more gathering in circles large and small, intimate gatherings in living rooms, ashrams, and yoga studios as well as thousands joining prayers and intentions across the planet through synchronized global meditations.

We Did It. We Planted Seeds of Love, Of Unity, Of Connection, Of Healing. To Benefit Our Own Lives, Our Communities, our Nation, Mother Earth on forward to the next Seven Generations. What a privilege and how beautiful to know what we have done together. I think it is essential to celebrate that, first and foremost.

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