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The Alchemy of Venus: How Attuning to the Goddess Changes Everything


As a Shamanic Astrologer and Active Dreamer I have seen that life is much richer when lived as a “Call and Response” game.  We hear Great Mystery calling to us through our dreams and visions, synchronicity and coincidence, and the movements of the Earth, Sun, Moon, Planets and Stars.

We respond by listening for these cues and then bringing them down and into physical form through our life choices, ceremony, and active play.  This game, like all others, is the MOST FUN and meaning-filled when we find Our Tribe we can play with!  Then we begin to interweave our dreaming and create fields of intent to uplift one another and we open to support from Greater Powers.

This new-yet-ancient mode of reverential living has truly come alive for me since apprenticing to Venus 6 years ago, and beginning to take participants through the entire 584-day Scorpio Venus Synodic Cycle as an initiatory process.  It deepened even more when I brought this awareness into my personal 40-year Venus Return during the Gemini Venus Cycle of 2012-2014.

Through the Venus Initiation: We are All Inanna

All of that was simply preparation for my deepest dive into the Venus Mysteries: the co-creation of Venus Alchemy with Cayelin Castell and our initial Inanna Rising Teleclass Series. Through this course we lead participants through the entire 19-month Venus Synodic Cycle guided by the sacred narrative of the Sumerian Goddess Inanna and her Descent to the Underworld. From the beginning, Cayelin and I have had a feeling of being buoyed by powers greater than ourselves. We quickly recognized that in this Capricorn Venus Cycle the Circle of the Grandmothers were behind the scenes, calling in the people who would benefit most from the experience, and providing us with new insights and understanding of how this ancient cycle worked.

In our current Leo Venus Cycle we have been guided to work powerfully with Sekhmet as well as the Circle of the Grandmothers.  We and many within our extended tribe in this Venus Initiation see our current time in the Underworld period as being “in the Belly of the Goddess,” experiencing intensity yet supported deeply in this ceremonial death and renewal process.

My life has changed irrevocably, and I think it is safe to say that is true for Cayelin and at least 50 other men and women who have engaged deeply with this sacred initiation.  I can see that my life rhythm is more often than not in synch with a deeper pattern at play.  I like to envision it as literally being attuned to the Goddess.

I have come to see Inanna as the Meta-Goddess whose field we step into in order to understand deeper orders of reality. Through Her we become more masterful at CHOOSING to face our life initiations with courage, strength, awareness, and the deeper knowing that we are supported on our path. I am Inanna. You are Inanna.  We are All Inanna.

Like Her, we are powerful, light-filled

Spirits born into this realm of duality and polarity. Like her, we have chosen to descend into matter, to inhabit a physical body and form.  Like her, the cost of embodiment is a continual shedding of layers of forgetfulness until we come home into our feminine souls, where we remember and gather again the wisdom and compassion we have gained in previous incarnations.

Like her, we each have access to yang and yin, feminine and masculine essence, and both must be developed in order for us to come into spiritual maturity on our path.  By bringing conscious awareness to each Chakra Gate and each step along the Inanna Initiation path, we draw down an experience of magic and fulfillment that deepens through each cycle.

Because we are engaging this Venus Initiation as a collective, we have been cross-fertilizing our experiences and all of us are gaining a greater awareness of the true nature of the Morning Star, Underworld, and Evening Star Phases.  We have also created a field of intent much bigger than any one of us for support in our individual life journeys through this class series.

Getting Personal with the Goddess

A little over a month ago, Cayelin and I spent two weeks together preparing for the upcoming Evening Star Venus Class, and to begin creating a Venus Cycle Guidebook.  During this time we received the calling to create a NEW Venus Class Series, one that enabled participants to engage a very personal conversation with the Divine Feminine.

The 8-Class Series that resulted is “Getting Personal with the Goddess” and it begins this coming Thursday with our first class: The Venus Star Phase: An In-Depth Look at Morning, Evening and Underworld Venus.   Shamanic Astrology Members take this course for free; non-members can enroll for $40. This Class, like the full Venus Series, will be extremely valuable whether attended live or listened to later.

When we look at Venus and how it shows up in the life of an individual, we see many layers of importance, including, within just the first four classes:

  1. The Venus Star Phase: were you born as a Morning Star, Evening Star, Underworld Venus?

  2. The Chakra Gates and More: Were you born at the activation of a particular Chakra Gate? Were you born before or after maximum elongation? Was Venus Retrograde?

  3. The Riddle of the Metamorphic Underworld: Were you one of the minute fraction of individuals born when Venus is in her “Metamorphic Underworld phase,” and how does that show up in your life?

  4. The Meta-Goddess or Venus Overtone: What Venus Overtone or bigger Venus Cycle were you born into and how does this particular Meta-Goddess guide you on your life path?

We’d love for you to join us for the initial Venus Star Phase class this Thursday or to enroll in the Full Series!  Keep in mind that the Early Bird Tuition of $197 expires this week.

There are three ways to proceed:

  1. If you are not yet enrolled sign up as a Shamanic Astrology Member HERE and you will can sign up for the class and receive all needed information to call in on Thursday evening.

  2. If you wish to purchase this Thursday’s Class on its own, sign up HERE

  3. If you wish to enroll in the full course, sign up HERE</em>

We would also love to have you in our Leo Evening Star Inanna Rising Class I spoke of above!! The Early Bird tuition for that class expires July 1, and the first class will be July 31—shortly after Venus emerges from the Underworld appearing as Evening Star.  This course continues through to completion of this current Leo Venus Initiatory Cycle. You can enroll HERE.

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