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Don’t miss the Aquarius Full Moon tonight, rising in all its glory at 7:40 pm PDT, about a half hour after sunset!
Tonight’s much acclaimed “Super Full Moon” is extremely big and bright because the Moon was at perigee–at its closest to the Earth–just 20 minutes after the exact Full Moon, exact around noon today.
The Aquarius Full Moon is already a special event, as my teacher Daniel Giamario describes it as the annual “Vision Quest Moon” where we have access to some of the most expansive awareness, higher vision, and elevated consciousness.
This Moon invites us to “break open our heads” into wider, wilder fields of possibility.
From now through tomorrow night we have increased access to the celestial or upper realms-to spiritual guides of highest light, angelic interventions, miracles.
So yes, this is a highly potent time for prayer, to ask for help, to just get still wherever we are for even five minutes, and open ourselves to grace, and a bigger perspective.
Last night as I meditated under the brilliant near-Full Moon, I experienced Aquarius as a very active, penetrating force, filling Earth’s atmosphere with a radiant, pulsating, supreme stillness. There was nothing passive or empty about this force-field of higher spiritual energy.
I’d felt this sensation before, when I have received craniosacral therapy from my partner, Tom Hammer, who happens to have Mars in Aquarius.
Tom meditates for an hour before he begins his sessions and when I walk into his treatment room, the entire space is filled with that same powerful, expansive spaciousness, a quality of time standing still, primed for healing at every level.
Last night under the Aquarius Full Moon it was as if rays were emanating from the heavens, extending healing energy.
I felt the tightness in my neck respond, easily unwinding, relaxing, and opening, followed by my shoulders and spine.
I was amazed that I barely had to try to open to this healing, expansive energy. I just had to pause one moment, and let it permeate my being, raise my vibration, and help me to surrender my physical body, my active mind, into trust and opening.
In your meditations today or tomorrow, still your mind, relax your body, and open yourself to the ease, grace, and presence of the Divine. Soak it up. Strengthen yourself by basking in the light and love of the Great Presence. We have needed this. These past days and weeks have been extremely challenging for many.
Since Mars moved into Scorpio just prior to the Leo New Moon, and Jupiter disappeared into the Underworld several weeks ago, we have been experiencing the bloody, frightening, intense and overwhelming expansions and contractions of our collective birthing process.
This has been mirrored in the great crises, conflicts, and tragedies unfolding across the globe, and experienced internally by many.
Jupiter emerged as morning star from behind the Sun last Friday, August 8, and that planet’s bright, positive, visionary presence coupled with this Aquarius Full Moon provides much-needed raising up, inspiration, and renewed hope.
Though great crises continue to unfold around us and within us, help is now available to support our forward movement.
Greater and greater numbers of us are learning to transmute the pain and suffering within and without into an elixir for healing and greater wholeness.
The Aquarian agenda, and its potential as we open to its enlivening influence, is to activate us as empowered agents of change to catalyze spiritual awakening, peace, and justice across the globe.