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Spring Initiation: Meeting Death, Renewing Life

Tami Purple Hear

We are poised at a moment of paradox: having entered the threshold into spring, in the northern hemisphere we feel the stirring of new life, the longer days of light, fresh green shoots sprouting out of the Earth, and our own life force quickening. Yet at this same moment we celebrate Easter, the moment of Christ’s death and resurrection, and Venus is poised to enter the “Underworld,” crossing behind the Sun for nearly 3 months.

I see and feel spring aliveness at this moment as flocks of robins descend in the Ponderosa Pines and Junipers and a strange, humid breeze stirs the other birds into song.

Spring Equinox was a day filled with joy, and celebration, as my community gathered out here on the land, at long last for a beautiful ceremony.  It was inspired by my dreams and the dreams of my friend Nolina, and friends Monika, Zhenya, and Laura, who planned and facilitated the ceremony with me.

As friends arrived, we sent them out onto the land, to make an offering and build little altars. This was inspired by my dreams, and Nolina’s, it seemed this was what the nature spirits wanted. We then gathered at the community altar, where we’d all offered objects representing what we wished to “plant” in the New Year.

I felt my human community attune to and bless this land that has so nourished the spirits of Tom and I during this past year, and my spirit soared. The calling of the directions, hearing each friend’s heartfelt intention, seeing their beautiful faces, I felt ecstatic.

For this past year, the land has been healing me, and Tom, strengthening us both for this next step.  I traveled a lot, but when I was home we rarely had visitors, outside of the squirrels, deer, turkeys, coyotes and other animal and bird neighbors.

In retrospect, Tom and I both needed to retreat over this period, and be steeped in the stillness of this mountain land.  I often felt resistance, thinking we “should” have more gatherings, but it just felt like a big push. The Spring Equinox ceremony felt all the richer because both of my beloved communities–human and “more than human” came together and I felt at last that I had completion.

Vulture Comes Calling: Death and Rebirth

The other morning when I stepped out into our driveway, an enormous vulture flew from up from a clearing about 50 feet away, and circled close over my head three times. I was struck by the raw power and grace of this raptor, held as sacred across indigenous cultures across the globe, yet maligned in modern society.

The vulture’s appearance was a reminder to me that death is near, that my old life is dying. I felt blessed, though also deeply shaken, because I had known this already, but vulture showed me in a new way, a way I felt in my body–and could smell with the scent of the rotting squirrel the vulture had been feasting on.

Celebrating My Sweetheart of Ten Years

I am now closing a chapter on the most stable period of my adult life.  I’ve lived in the Albuquerque area, sharing a home with my sweetheart and best friend, Tom for nearly 10 years.  We’ve recreated ourselves as individuals and as a couple many times, grown apart and together again many times over.  We’ve supported each other in our own healing, and on our paths as healers.

I’ve seen his two little boys grow up, one now entering high school, the other college. Tom saw me through the death of my father, and played such a vital part in my Dad’s healing in his last moments–something I will always cherish.

I can’t imagine a partner who could have been more supportive of my work and growth as an astrologer, dreamer, and pioneer. My ascendant is in Aries and Tom’s is in Libra, exactly opposite–a beautiful balance, and through struggles and times of greater ease, we’ve both made our partnership a priority for nourishing, and it has, in turn, nourished many of our dreams.

We’re poised now on the brink of an enormous change, with no certain outcome.   We know we love each other, we know that we have each shut off parts of ourselves to remain in our relationship, and we feel it is important to explore what each of our lives look like when reclaiming those parts.

Some days we question our decision to choose this time of sacred separation. Some days I am steeped in grief, and he is in a place of anticipation for the change. Other days I am thrilled for new possibilities, and he is in grief. We are stepping into the unknown, trusting we will find our way. Some days we feel hopeful that we will come back together stronger. Some days we can’t see how we can reconcile our different desires.

I ask for your prayers for both of us, that we be guided on our paths to the outcome best suited to our spirits, souls, and joyful living. Thank you so very much. Forging into the Unknown

As Uranus ignites my Ascendant in Aries, over the next several months I will be in nomad mode, first traveling to Costa Rica where I will be taking an amazing Qoya workshop with Rochelle Schiek, one of the “Star Dreamers” in my new Sky Apprentice Program– (come join me!!!!).  I will then be teaching Active Dreaming and Dreaming with Inanna Workshops in San Jose, Costa Rica.

In May and June I will be in Missouri with my extended family, then in Tucson working on a book with Cayelin Castell. From July forward, I have many options I am considering, and dreaming into. One is that I take a month to travel cross country, offering workshops and readings live from St. Louis to Seattle, to LA. If you would like me to come to your area, drop me a line to let me know!  Sending so much love, gratitude and light to all of us–that we may all bravely step into the unknown, centered in our hearts, guided to True North.

Help Me Grow My Wings!

From April through September and perhaps beyond, I will be in nomad mode, offering workshops from Costa Rica to Kansas City, to Seattle–and who knows where else! If you’d like to help me “grow my wings” during this exciting period of travel and expansion you can do so in several ways: Good Old Fashioned Donation THANK YOU!!!

Bring me to your community I am offering Intensive Active Dreaming and Shamanic Astrology Workshops and one-on-one sessions. Contact me at to learn more and set it up.

Join Robert Moss’s Latest Class Sign Up HERE for Robert Moss’s Latest Webinar Series: Quantum Dreaming and the Secrets of Time Travel. (I am, it’s going to be AMAZING!!) I am an affiliate so a good portion goes to support my travels.

Join Me In Costa Rica JOIN ME in Costa Rica for Rochelle Schiek’s incredible Qoya Co-Ed Embodiment Retreat April 16 to 23. I am also an affiliate of this course, so a portion also goes for my travels.

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