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November Astrological Report

November begins with a bang, with Uranus and Pluto in their 4th exact square on Friday November 1, and the Solar Hybrid Eclipse (Super New Moon) in Scorpio Sunday morning, November 3. These major events occur while Mercury is Retrograde in Scorpio. Let it go. Let it all go—what are you applying your focus and energy on that is wanting to change or be released—but you’re terrified to let it go? Let it go.

Every “beat” of the Drum that is this major Pluto Uranus Cycle (there will be 7 exact squares between 2012 and 2015) shakes off another layer of the crumbling modern age revealing glimpses of our emerging new world. Don’t waste another moment trying to hold back the tide of change.

Allow what needs to fall away to be shaken off and released.

FEEL down deep into your life and present moment to see what is emerging that is new, that stirs your passion, that turns you on. Focus your attention on the beauty, the preciousness of the life you have. The heart-centered connections with the life around you, the relationships that nourish your spirit. Listen to the calling of your soul, of the feminine aspect of your life that is wanting to spring forward and absorb your focus and your attention.

Jupiter stations Retrograde at 20’31 degrees Cancer, and will not station direct until March of 2014. We are integrating the learning around the Cancer Mysteries that we’ve been gaining since June of this year. Where do we wish to live? Are we at “home” in our lives, our place, our relationships? This is a time of deep inner focus on our creations—projects and aspects of ourselves, our communities, our lives that we have been nurturing since June. March will begin the more “external” phase of this cycle, where we begin to bring our creations more into middle world expression.

Venus can be seen transiting the Crescent Moon in Capricorn near Galactic Center on Tuesday, November 5 and Wednesday, November 6th, in the western sky after sunset. This represents the 6th Gate, or the Gate of Vision at the 6th Chakra. Venus triggers the Pluto Uranus square on the 14th and 15th of November. The Feminine is about bringing spirit INTO matter. Reweaving the connection between Earth and Sky.

As change accelerates, the essentials are this: get grounded in your body, in relationships aligned to your deeper values and essence. In your connection to the spiritual guides and allies and master teachers that are authentic and supportive to you. Connect to sunrise and sunset, to the night sky, walking, sitting, lying on the Earth, as often as you can. Use the tools you’ve been given to stay awake, in gratitude, and in service.

Venus now asks us to open to our higher visions and be willing to feel and experience them deeply. These visions are to be grounded in this time, on this planet, with this human culture as the medium of transformation, beginning with ourselves. Can you imagine the Earth, the Oceans, in a process of regeneration? Can you imagine your neighborhood as a place where children and elders, and those experiencing pain and isolation as feeling cared for and nurtured?

Can you imagine a transformation of our cities and towns to grow more of our own food, capture and retain more of our water, care for our soil, and our places of wildness and ecologic integrity? Can you imagine more and more people awakening to the reality that it is a gift of unspeakable magnitude to have a body, to be alive, at this time of brokenness and possibility?

Retrograde Mercury in Scorpio is conjunct the Sun November 1st, hours after the Pluto Uranus Square. It stations direct November 19 and makes its third, final and closest conjunction with Saturn on November 25. It moves out of the retrograde shadow (completing the retrograde journey) November 27th, and out of the sign of Scorpio, where it has been since September 30, on December 6.

The Mind of Man—human consciousness, has been going through a very deep and lasting regeneration cycle. We have been forced to face our fears, to see the places where we are not full alive in our consciousness, where our thoughts do not have energy or alignment enough to spark manifestation in the world of form. And we have been coming alive in our minds, our thoughts, our prayers our words. Welcoming the continued death and release of all consciousness that clings to the status quo, and allowing the new to flow in where we have allowed death and release to happen.

In the night sky, Comet Encke should be visible below Mars in the morning sky at the beginning of the month, and Comet ISON should be growing brighter, at its brightest November 28th in the sky near sunrise and sunset, close to the Sun.

Also in the evening sky, the Taurid Meteor Showers should be spectacular on November 12. The Full Moon in Taurus on November 17 will be near the Pleiades. It promises to be a MAGICAL month, full of surprises, and intensity. Practices of heartfelt gratitudeand a commitment to live life from the Heart is what can help us now, to move into our new lives and awareness.

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