The Pisces New Moon was exact yesterday at about 1:00 pm MST. Through tomorrow night, when the small crescent Moon is visible in the evening sky is the most potent window for getting still and setting intentions for the coming month.
Also tomorrow night it may be possible to see the Pan-STARRS comet near twilight.
With 7 planetary bodies in the sign of Pisces at the moment of the New Moon (Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars, Mercury, Chiron, Neptune), our intentions are infused with magic, mystery, and a great deal of support from the higher realms, especially when we are wise enough to ask for it!
The next two weeks will feature some of the biggest events of 2013 including the Mars Uranus conjunction just following the Spring Equinox, which will be the closest planet to planet conjunction of the year. While PANSTARRS comet reaches its greatest visibility and impact Saturday night through tonight and continues to be felt through the week, a second comet (F6 Lemmon) will be its maximum visibility and impact on March 24.
As my teachers Daniel Giamario and Cayelin Castell describe it, this is a “Wild Card” effect-anything can happen, and we can choose to use these potent energies in whatever way we wish.
Night Sky Magic
The highlight over the next two weeks occurs Sunday night, March 17, when the crescent Moon, Jupiter, and Aldebaran all form a stunning 5.04 degree diameter circle in the night sky within the Sacred Hoop.. This marks the third and final time Jupiter has met up with Aldebaran in an extraordinarily beautiful portion of the sky since last spring.
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