The Libra New Moon was exact at 6:34 pm MDT this evening (Friday, October 4). This was a very powerful New Moon as it was almost exactly opposite Uranus, and very close to an exact square with Pluto. The Sun has been activating the Pluto Uranus square all week, and now the Moon joins in as well, transmitting the energies even more powerfully and immediately felt.
Pluto is certainly a presence at this time, only 3 degrees from a square with the Sun, yet Uranus is more potent as it is closer to opposition with the New Moon and at perigee-its closest point to the Earth.
So what is this dynamic opposition between Uranus in Aries and the Sun and Moon in Libra (with Pluto deepening and empowering the dynamic)?
This unified Sun Moon dynamic in Libra opens the month with a focus on partnership, collaboration, every situation that asks us to consider our own individual self in balance with other or others. The oppositional energy between Aries and Libra can actually become quite heated, and can step into gridlock, if Aries remains rigidly attached to its black and white ideology, and Libra remains firm in its commitment to fairness, and equality.
We can see that dynamic in the current debacle on Capitol Hill. It is in Libra’s nature to want to compromise and find a middle ground. Yet sometimes it is absolutely essential to stand firm in ones’ principles and not budge, until Aries wakes up to the reality that the world does not in fact revolve around it and its agenda. Of course the classic Plutonian undercurrent of money and power are very much at play.
On the personal level, in marriage and primary partnership when both partners are locked in conflict, it is the children, or those for whom they are responsible, who experience the greatest impact.
This is true of course for those for whom the congress is responsible–we, the people they are supposed to represent. Yet it is not enough to try and avoid conflict. Sometimes it is necessary to help us know ourselves better, and to find our limits and boundaries. It is essential of course to look clearly at the relative positions of power, or imbalances.
If you find yourself locked in conflict with someone take space to collect yourself. Call on the detached, objective Uranian perspective to aid you in seeing the situation as though from a distance.
Is it possible that you have crossed a line of respect and honoring the other out of habit, fear of getting hurt, trying to protect yourself? Are you speaking and acting from your deeper truth, or is your reactivity based on the misguided belief that you must take power from another in order to experience it for yourself?
For the Full Report, sign up for my Basic Membership (includes a written and audio overview delivered at the beginning of each month as well as in-depth New Moon and Full Moon Reports) or Premium Membership, which includes all of the above plus in-depth weekly audios delivered every Sunday.
Thank you for this, Tami! Per usual, you stir the magic pot of my heart and help me to integrate all these changes that have been happening. Also, I want to tell you how much I appreciate you doing the monthly readings. I’ve listened to the June one twice and each time I hear something that stirs a deep chord in my soul. I feel more sure that we are definitely not alone and more capable and confident to work with the natural cycles to tune in more intimately to the magic that life whispers to us in every moment. Thank you so much! I am receiving so much from your well-spoken perspective of the movement of the stars. –Kate Short Lindsay, Austin, Texas