How Love Changes Everything
The “Mega” or “Super” New Moon, exact at 2:03 am PDT this morning, where the Sun and Moon are lined up precisely and thus magnifying the usual effect of the New Moon, opens portals of awareness and possibility that we will be feeling for the week to come.
All year long, including this past Saturday with Venus and Jupiter conjunct in Virgo, we’ve been given opportunities to celebrate and tune into the beauty and power of Gaia, or the living Earth. If we’ve been paying attention we’ve been getting a lot of messages from Her.
Her messages are going to feel different to each of us, based on our own internal experience and the kind of work we are doing in the moment. for some of us the messages feel very painful, as we bear witness and feel into her suffering in the face of relentless human impacts through mining, logging, climate change, etc.
Holding space for this grief is very important for some of us. It is healing for the Earth and also for us, because what is happening to her is as always a mirror of what is happening to our own spirits and wild souls, and bodies.
For others of us, and this is where I have been for the past months, it is for us to tune into, align with, and celebrate how incredibly gorgeous and healthy and whole She is becoming in response to the great awakening among so many people now who are feeling, sensing, and attuning to her aliveness and feeling ecstatic gratitude for and connection with her.
She, like all of us, wants to be seen in her wholeness–to be celebrated in all the ways She is perfect and whole and powerful and beautiful and healing and growing and evolving. She also wants her pain and suffering, which is very real, to be acknowledged and held in our awareness.
I believe that when people truly love the land where they are, the land changes. It responds as a lover would, by opening and blossoming, and becoming more vibrant, more attractive, more of who She truly is.
I felt that in the Manzano Mountains where Tom and I lived. The land expanded to meet us and responded to our love. I felt it in Columbia Missouri, where the forest and the land has literally transformed since I lived there 15 years ago.
I can feel it. It is palpable. Everything feels healthy, vibrant, ecstatic. I know it is because there are so many people now connecting with her from the heart and soul, loving and savoring Her.
I have felt that change in Albuquerque and Tucson, arriving just after the Monsoon rains–I know that was part of it, but I feel certain too that in both these places the land is responding to the increased awareness of the people who live in these places, to greater presence and love.
Here in Tucson this week I’ve talked to the baby lizards every day, and the multitude of birds including a Great Egret that flew to the top of a big tree right in front of Cayelin and me on our morning walk, and two hawks swooping around, and woodpeckers everywhere and the vibrant saguaros and prickly pears and cholla.
Butterflies like crazy and pollinators everywhere. There’s a lot that is going right. We’re remembering our relations. We’re remembering we’re here to love each other and also to love our more than human neighbors.
I feel that this year has been very hard on many people, and also the Earth. There has been a lot of disappointment and there is a vast weariness in the U.S. around politics and the hollowness we feel in that arena. We are weary of all the fear we are fed daily, and the multitude of ways we are divided from one another through the mockery of democracy that we see.
We are weary of pipelines and fracking, and money in politics and wars that never end, and the most vulnerable always seeming to suffer the most, and we are weary of bigotry and raw hatred, and misogyny.
This Saturn Neptune Square has been an absolute and total Bitch. A Bitch On a Mission. A Bitch that slapped us in the face, and said–Wake Up! There’s a lot that’s fucked up here. It’s time to look at it square in the face and decide if you’re willing to really, truly, commit to a different Dream.
So there’s all that. And the truth also is that many many of us ARE also waking up. many, many of us ARE falling in love with the Creation and we’re not willing to lie to ourselves or to others any more. We’re getting real. We’re growing up. I believe we are becoming more resilient.
I believe we are gathering our strength and we are seeing how many others feel as we do. I think the next step over the coming months is going to be an explosion of creativity and collaboration–in service to the Earth and reconnecting our fragmented communities and human connections.
When I look at the Sun tomorrow morning, and see in its face the beautiful energy of the Moon shining through, radiating the most powerful Virgo love, power, and magic, that’s what I will see.
When we truly enact the magic of Virgo, as we are in the coming weeks following this Eclipse. our invisible acts of power, aligned with the flow of Creation make an enormous difference. Our love, our attunement to the Earth and each other, and our willingness to practice deep presence and action sourced from that presence is power beyond what we have practiced before, and in larger numbers.
With So Much Gratitude for the Gift of Life in this Moment of Unlikely Miracles, I send love to each of you, and a blessing for your deepest heart.