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Honoring the Celestial Mother: Restoring the Original Bond


Celestial Mother by Pam England

Happy Mothers Day!

Gratitude to all the Mothers, in every corner of the Planet!

For the courage and faith it takes to raise a child in our time of profound transition! We give gratitude to the Mother Force that lives in each of us, giving birth to new worlds and new possibilities from the depths of our being, our DNA.

Today we honor Mother Earth who continues to sustain and nourish us. We also give gratitude to the Cosmic or Universal Mother of all Creation, Celestial Mother.

Galactic Center was seen in ancient cultures as the “Galactic Womb,” giving birth to Earth–as modern science now confirms. The Mayans referred to Galactic Center as “Hunab Ku” and perceived a cord of connection like an umbilical cord, or cords, which they referred to as the Kuxan Suum. This cord was seen to be connected to our navels, causing us to be intertwined with, and in rhythmic connection to the entire Matrix of Creation.

Radical Restructuring of Humanity’s Worldview: Saturn at Galactic Center in 1988 and 2017

Last night the waning Gibbous Moon passed by Saturn and Galactic Center, so we are receiving powerful insights from this part of the Sky, and tuning us into the deeper transformation at play, with Saturn having been near Galactic Center since the end of 2016 and remaining close throughout 2017. The last time Saturn was near Galactic Center was 30 years ago, in 1988.

Saturn in Sagittarius is about a profound restructuring of modern humanity’s spiritual, philosophical, and political paradigms. The now-widespread conversation about decolonization highlighted at Standing Rock is a part of this restructuring as it has caused many in the U.S. to question basic assumptions underlying our national history and ideologies.

What was happening in 1988 is that the Cold War was coming to an end as the Soviet Union was beginning to collapse, indicated in part through its withdrawal that year from a lengthy and costly war in Afghanistan. It was a time where the ideologies of socialism and communism underpinning the Soviet Union were under criticism and review, birthing a period where capitalism would become the reigning paradigm.

It is clear that our current capitalistic ideologies are similarly under fire, as larger percentages of the population wake up to the fact that its current form serves only an elite few at the expense of the many and the Earth. So we are seeking a new Earth-honoring societal worldview to replace the older, disconnected and polarized models of capitalism vs. communism.

Often, the exact astrological event (in this case Saturn at Galactic Center) sets in motion larger ripples or cultural changes that fully unfold in the following years. If we look at the early ’90’s even before the 1993 Neptune Uranus conjunction we will see the rise in awareness of eco-centric paradigms including Deep Ecology, Bioregionalism, Permaculture, and Eco-Psychology. Restoring the Original Connection to Celestial Mother

According to author Padma Aon Prakasha, part of the reason our world is currently in such profound imbalance is because the life-giving cords of connection between ourselves and our original Mother Source–Galactic Center–have been severed. In his book The Power of Shakti, he explores the initiatory path required to reconnect us to this primary Cosmic Mother Bond.

Let’s empower with our imagination and visualization, meditation and prayer, Saturn at Galactic Center reweaving the cords of connection between ourselves and the Celestial Mother, and ourselves and Mother Earth. Seeing all of us tapped into a limitless source of energy, insight, and wisdom connected to the Greater Intelligence of Creation.

Sourced from this insight from the Wisdom of Creation, let’s give birth to a new collective awareness and worldview that restores the sacred threads of life between all beings, and supports the full thriving of ALL in abundance, diversity, and radical well being.

And so it is!

Aries Venus Class Still Open!

Our Time is Now. Let’s RISE Together.

Cayelin Castell and I have recently initiated our new Venus in Aries Teleclass Series “Aries Arise” and it’s been AMAZING! We have new people signing up all the time and if you would like to actively engage with the Venus in Aries Cycle as a ceremonial initiation, helping you find your individual and collective purpose and fire and join our Love Warrior Tribe, learn more and enroll in our class HERE.

Here also is a video where Cayelin and I share more about how the cycle works and how we work with this ceremonially. Check it Out!

And FINALLY if you want to deeply tune into the Aries power and magic of this moment, wake about an hour before sunrise and greet Morning Star Venus in the east. She’s so bright and beautiful now shining down for all to see.

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