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Happy Super Wesak Beltane Scorpio Full Moon!


Dear Friends,

Happy Cinco de Mayo, and Super Wesak, Beltane, Scorpio Moon!

In case you have somehow NOT heard about it yet, do not miss tonight’s extraordinary Full Moon! Go out just after sunset to see the Moon rise. Not only will it appear enormous because it is at perigee (close to the Earth), but the exact moment of the Full Moon is very close to sunset-and that, too is very rare. It is also Solar AND Lunar Beltane, as both planets come together on this day of the exact cross quarter between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice.

Remember, the window to ceremonially work with this especially juicy, life-force filled Full Moon is 3 days, so if you aren’t able to see it, or engage with it tonight, there is always tomorrow at sunrise (Moon will still be extraordinary) and tomorrow (Sunday) night, when it’s still big and brilliant.

It’s also the Wesak Full Moon-people across the globe are celebrating Buddha’s birthday. What a beautiful thing! Consider giving gratitude for the gifts that Buddha’s teachings have infused within western consciousness. The practices of mindfulness, of compassion… so much maturation and deepening of the western mind has occurred through this cross-fertilization.

So tonight, or tomorrow morning, or tomorrow night, take time for meditation, for dance, for fully loving-up those dear to your heart, walking barefoot, kissing trees, and giving praises for this Earth experience we all get to have! These past weeks have been INTENSE-and we now have a window within which to get juicy, get grounded, and take in the wisdom, blessings, and spiritual insight that is so present for us at this time if we are open to RECEIVE it.

Much love, many blessings,


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