Dear Friends,
Cayelin and I just facilitated our first call in our 8-month Venus Teleclass Series, and the response has been really amazing! We have 39 women and 1 man from the U.S., Ireland, Switzerland, Guatemala, the UK, Bali, and Puerto Rico joining us!
If you would like to join it is not too late. We have the call recorded as well as a true wealth of resources to support you on your journey including linking you with a Morning Star Buddy, key meditation questions, visualizations, tools and resources to build your own Venus Altar and work with the morning sky Venus Moon gates.
Also, this Venus Cycle is a powerful opportunity to connect to the Circle of the Grandmothers, and to Grandmother wisdom. I will be creating a special visualization exercise for participants to help them meet their Grandmother guide, to support us on our path and to bring in the new culture that supports the next seven generations.
There are dozens of women posting gorgeous images of their altars, the Venus Moon conjunction, and sharing their journey of initiation in our Facebook Group.
Of special benefit to anyone with Capricorn Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Venus, entering their Venus Return Cycle, or wanting to work with the Venus Cycle as ceremony. Enroll in the Series Here, and receive the recording and supportive materials to get started!
And don’t forget tomorrow (Wednesday) morning is the best time to see the Venus Moon conjunction! One to two hours before sunrise.
Many Blessings, Tami
Night & Morning Sky Viewing
Two big events this week, one in the morning sky one in the night sky. On Tuesday or Wednesday morning look for Venus near the waning crescent Moon in the morning sky. The Moon occults Venus at 9:23 pm on Tuesday, though they are not visible at that time.
As February comes to a close, look to the east after sunset to the ecliptic with dark skies to see the “zodiac light” described in Guy Ottwell’s Astronomy Calendar as a “host of tiny Full Moons.” Look for the Sacred Hoop, with Jupiter near the center, Orion and the Pleiades up and to the right and Sirius down and to the right.
The dust particles that collect along the ecliptic, or the path the planets travel around the Sun, are refracting back the light of the Sun, as the Moon does during the Full Moon. We can see it at this time because of a confluence of factors: the Sun is not near enough to the horizon to drown out the light, and the ecliptic is closest to vertical at this time of year. Because it is a New Moon, the Moonlight also does not drown out the effect.
The True Queen Submits: Removing Her Crown
A little after 9:00 pm PST, on Tuesday evening (tonight) just before the expansive Jupiter Uranus square, the Moon occults (covers) the waning crescent Moon in the morning sky, signaling the entrance of the Goddess through the first gate on her initiatory descent to the Underworld.
In the Sumerian Inanna descent myth, this is the moment where the all-powerful Queen of Heaven and Earth relinquishes her crown, her symbol of royalty and connection to the ultimate Godhead.
In our modern world we have forgotten that there is hidden power in the act of submission to a force or initiation greater than our limited conscious awareness or ego-self.
It is only a truly great Queen who can relinquish her crown because if she were insecure or weak she would attempt to always live and rule in the Middle World, or within her comfort zone of skill and expertise. Yet Inanna was a truly great Queen, who followed her intuitive knowing that it was time to stretch herself, and meet the unknown.
Each time we venture into territory which is beyond our present knowledge–whether we consciously choose to do so in order to grow, or whether life forces us out of our old lives and comfort zone in a painful and sudden way-we have the opportunity to submit to the larger forces at work, and engage with the circumstances as a sacred initiation intended for our greatest empowerment and transformation.
Beginning today and continuing until the next Venus Moon conjunction in late March, it is a powerful practice to consciously name and release our old relationship to the Divine, to the Godhead so as to be infused with a fresh, new, and more enlivened relationship with Spirit.
It is the beginning of a “not knowing” phase where we step into trust, relinquishing our old patterns of faith that were based more on ritual and less on lived experience. We have crossed the threshold, and taken the first step.
Mercury Stations Direct
On Friday, February 28, Mercury stations direct at 6:00 am. It always feels a bit wonky on the actual day that Mercury stations direct, but look for greater left-brain clarity and direct movement forward with communications, and technical issues in the days and weeks to come.
Mercury will not fully move out of its “retrograde shadow” until March 20 so there may be a few hiccups here and there, but we’re generally free of the Mercury Retrograde zone by Saturday.