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Free Leo Full Moon with Jupiter Report!

This is the FREE REPORT.  To subscribe to my full bi-weekly in-depth reports subscribe here.

The Leo Full Moon is exact tonight (Tuesday evening) at 4:09 pm MST, so it will be rising at its most bright and brilliant in the east just after sunset. The three-day-window for ceremony is potent through Wednesday night. We are invited to name our blocks and fears and transmute them through releasing fire ceremony tonight and tomorrow.

Beginning with tonight’s Leo Full Moon with Jupiter, the next two weeks are filled with opportunities to shift into our mastery, our greater selves, our most generous, heart-centered royalty and to name and claim our domain-the areas of our lives and the world at large where we can make the biggest impact and ignite the greatest transformation.

It’s the inside work we’re up to now, through the continuing Mercury Retrograde cycle and the waning Moon cycle leading up to the 2nd Aquarius New Moon February 18. It is for us to tend our inner flame, our capacity as alchemists of the heart, to our fiery emotions, to feel our deep longing to live lives of freedom, impassioned creativity, enlivened genius, and masterful creatorship.

All along the way, through the next two weeks as we catch glimpses of what we deeply long to generate in 2015 we encounter the blockage and limitations that have stood in the way–until now.

Leo Full Moon and Aquarius Sun and Mercury Retrograde invite us to apply our fierce and fiery intention, and our lightning clear perspective toward the full purification and release of all that stands in the way of our most delight-filled, soul-aligned lives and relationships.

Venus and Mars Ignite Healing of Generational Masculine Feminine Wounding Patterns

Venus is rapidly approaching Mars in the evening sky, and they will join up on February 21st at 1 degree Aries for the first of three meetings over the course of 2015-a dance they have not danced together in this fashion for at least 200 years.

We are feeling stirred up internally and externally, with a profound emotional triggering and release of the pent up emotions, beliefs, wounding between the feminine and masculine in the field. We might feel our grandmother’s rage or bitterness, or our grandfather’s broken heart and powerlessness to protect the feminine. We might feel the rage of our father toward our mother, or the powerlessness of our mother in the presence of her father.

We are invited to feel, see clearly, and release into the fires of purification ALL our old beliefs, expectations, roles, ancestral rage, wounding, bitterness about the opposite sex, as well as our own gender!!

2015 is the year where the dynamic between Masculine and Feminine is shaken to its very roots and we can choose to be an active part of this magnificent transformation.

We can begin now by seeing clearly and purifying and clearing the old “Dream” or consensual hallucination of how the feminine and masculine engage with one another-and within.  This is an invitation to rise to the challenge and meet this energy face to face so as to transmute old toxins and poisons, so as to invite in the New Dream of Partnership between the Masculine and the Feminine.

Send divine light, love and positive intention to the new Masculine Feminine Marriage within and without. Can we ask for the waters of healing forgiveness to cleanse the pain and betrayal experienced between masculine and feminine these thousands of years?

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