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Earth from the Perspective of Spirit

January 24 to 31, 2012

Earth from the Perspective of Spirit–Aquarius New Moon

Yesterday (Monday) morning the New Moon was exact in the earliest degrees of Aquarius. Tonight (Tuesday) is a powerful time for ceremony as we see the first visible crescent Moon in the evening sky. We can tune into its effects throughout the week, with Neptune still also in the late degrees of Aquarius, and the Sun also in this sign.

This could be considered the “Vision Quest New Moon” where we can, in a very present, vivid way, go into profound meditative states very quickly, and receive the visions and insights that can guide us through the coming year. Also, yesterday (Monday) evening, we felt the dynamic energy of Mars, the Sacred Masculine, stationing retrograde. We continue to feel the intensified presence of the transforming Masculine through the week.

We can imagine ourselves looking down at the Earth from the perspective of Spirit, witnessing its beauty, seeing it as the vibrant, shimmering miracle that it is. Almost 40 years ago, 12 days before my birth, humanity first witnessed the first full photos of our Earth from space–the “Big Blue Marble.”

In this moment our human consciousness, focused for several thousand years on the evolution of a masculine modern culture that would transcend the Earth’s boundaries; looked back. We beheld the Earth in all her splendor, from a distance. We saw her for the first time in her wholeness, and in her holiness. That image, and the reverence it invoked, seeped into our collective awareness and has been transforming it ever since.

In our meditations and reflections tonight and in the days to come, we can look at the Earth from the perspective of Spirit, and imagine the healing of our waters, our air, our soils, living creatures and ecosystems, and human communities. As we focus on 2012 as an initiatory threshold for humanity and our Earth, we can invoke the Aquarian capacity for detached love and a higher perspective, as we collectively imagine and call in the New Story.

Year of the Water Dragon

Yet another “sign” that 2012 is an extraordinary year, the Water Dragon symbolizes extremes, of luck, big gains or losses in the areas of wealth or business, a “go big or go home” kind of energy. To me it holds the same energies as the Jupiter in Taurus transit, Uranus Pluto square, merged with the watery Neptune in Pisces, Scorpio Venus cycle completion, and Scorpio Saturn/North Node transitions later in the year.

All of the exuberance and excitement I’ve seen expressed around this “luckiest” of Chinese Astrological symbols reveals that as we move through our fear of change and transition, we are opening to a growing excitement and exhilaration as we feel the fresh waters of a new tide wash away the debris of the old world while carrying forward our new dreams, new visions, new beginnings.

Last night my partner imagined that we are all building a “new framework for abundance,” that will serve everyone. Imagine that there is enough, plenty, for every human being. Imagine that this new framework supports healthy Earth’s ecosystems, and the most vulnerable human communities and individuals. Now imagine how it looks and feels for you, yourself, to experience abundance in ways that serve the whole, as well as your highest joy and pleasure. The Scorpio Goddess Empowers Her Heart

Early Thursday morning, Venus and the crescent Moon are conjunct. We can see them near one another in the west, in the evening sky both Wednesday and Thursday evenings. This is the moment in the Sumerian tale where the Goddess Inanna reclaims her breastplate, or becomes fully empowered in her personal heart. Venus is currently in a Scorpio cycle, representing the Scorpio Sacred Feminine.

The Scorpio Goddess is now coming into full embodiment on the world stage. I see this in all the women now plunging into their soul work and creative passions with new courage and determination. I see it in the men who are awakening to their own inner Scorpio Feminine–the aspect of themselves that will no longer settle for dry dusty routines, roles, and security–but instead move boldly toward the inner and outer transformations that will empower their inner fire, vitality, and desire for life.

Venus is in the sign of Pisces now, and was conjunct both Neptune and Chiron over the past weeks. Scorpio teaches us to pursue our own individual desire, clearly seeing and releasing what no longer serves. The Neptune/Pisces/Chiron influence, as well as the 4th Gate Heart activation, helps us to source our fully-focused energy from a place of love, compassion, and tenderness for individuals whose lives we touch, as well as the our Earth and human family as a whole.

We have gone through an initiatory journey over the past year, and now it is time for us to claim the power of our open, courageous hearts. The pain and dismemberment that we have felt as our inner and outer world experiences her birth contractions is what enables us to open to a sense of love and gratitude for our Earth, for life itself, for our loved ones, and for humanity. Our open hearts will be the birth canal through which our New Earth will be born.

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