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Capricorn Full Moon Ceremony: Banishing Shame Attacks and Never Enough



The Capricorn Full Moon was exact this morning at 5:25 am. Tonight it will rise extremely full and bright in the east about an hour after the Sun sets in the west. The Moon is very close to us, as it is at perigee tomorrow (Sunday) night.

Through the weekend is a very powerful time for work around ancestral healing as well as ceremonially releasing old habits and patterns in the realm of shadow Capricorn.

This can include seeing the cost of overwork and “doing addiction” and choosing to clear and release these patterns.

It might include identifying all the ways we are “never enough,” and continually try to measure ourselves according to some external perception of success or value.

For myself, I felt a great stirring of endless guilt-a familiar feeling-over all that I am NOT doing in my life to affect change in the ways I believe I should.

Specifically, this morning I experienced a powerful shame attack over not attending a local rally to protest the current Israeli siege on Gaza. I feel strongly about this issue and felt I was letting my dear friends in the West Bank down by not showing up in that public way.

The reality is that I instead spent my morning completing a grant for the Marda Permaculture Farm, a project in Palestine I’ve supported as a volunteer for the past eight years.

Yet for me this morning when I discovered the fact that there had been several rallies in Albuquerque and I had not attended any, I felt ashamed.

I missed the rally because I had committed to giving my partner a Reiki treatment at the same time this afternoon.

The distorted Capricorn aspect of my psyche told me that it was selfish to focus my energy on my partner rather than focusing on the well being of the community, or collective.

I stilled my mind, created ceremonial healing space, sat with my partner and called in my guides and his for healing and clearing.

With clarity I suddenly realized that the painful conflict erupting in the Middle East mirrors the painful split and inner conflict I see in my partner.

It also reflected the conflict I was feeling that very morning, a torturous tug of war with no possible winner inside of myself.

As I surrendered to the experience of channeling love, light, and healing to my partner, I knew that tending to the wellbeing of my partner was an act that contributed to peace in this world.

I felt the way the pain of the world lives in him, and and in me, and how his healing and my healing radiates outward in ways I cannot begin to imagine.

In those moments I was gifted with awareness of old, very deep distorted Capricorn patterns that set me against myself, and convince me that no matter what I am doing to be of service, it will never be sufficient.

What have you felt guilty or ashamed about lately? Have you looked clearly at that guilt and shame and asked yourself-could I have done it differently?

Did I do the best I could? Am I in a habit of “setting myself up to fail” where I constantly fall short of impossible expectations of myself?

Full Moon Ceremony to release distorted Capricorn might include listing all the ways you punish yourself for falling short-especially in those areas where you are in a Catch-22, a Lose-Lose situation.

This is deep, core Capricorn shadow work, and we release PROFOUND personal power when we choose to bust through it!

Night Sky Magic

Tonight (Saturday, July 12) the Capricorn Full Moon is near closest to the Earth, at perigee when it rises about an hour after sunset in the west.

Tomorrow (Sunday) night look for Mars 1.3 degrees NNE of Spica, the brightest star in the Virgin Constellation at about 10:00 pm MDT.

Wednesday and Thursday mornings July 16 & 17 look for Mercury to the ESE of Venus in the morning sky.

Tuesday, July 22, the waning crescent Moon passes 1.8 degrees N of Aldebaran at 6:00 am.

Thursday July 24th, the waning crescent Moon passes 4.4 degrees S of Venus at 10:43 am.

Friday, July 25, the waning crescent Moon passes 5.0 degrees S of Mercury at 6:53 am.

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