Cancer New Moon and The New Masculine
The New Moon in Cancer was exact at 1:14 am MDT this morning, when the Sun and Moon were perfectly aligned. Though many of us are in “go mode” after a holiday weekend, tonight through Wednesday are the most empowered daysto take some time-even if just 5-10 focused minutes, to get still and tune into our intentions for the month to come. The Ceremonial Window lasts through Wednesday evening with the tiny crescent Moon near Venus in the west after sunset.
Cancer is the theme for the next 6 months, I have been seeing and hearing this message very clearly, and sharing with clients that the remainder of 2013 is time to be deliberate, to slowly build strength from the inside, and tend with consistency to the creations in our lives-be they a significant partnership emerging into a new phase, a new business or new level of development of a business, an emerging dream we wish to set a foundation for, or the development of a new pattern of life we wish to step into.
There are two big events occurring right in the middle of this New Moon window-retrograde Mercury was RIGHT there, lined up with the Sun and Moon exactly at the New Moon. Just two hours before the New Moon, Saturn was stationing direct, after five months traveling retrograde. So we have an alignment of the Mind (Mercury) and the steady, strengthening presence of the Circle of the Grandmothers (Saturn) to support us as we ground our intentions for the month to come.
The key words that come to mind for me at this New Moon are: constructive, steady, nurtured, aligned, long-term. Resist the urge to be in a hurry in your mind, actions, and presence today. Move steadily and deliberately through the hours, getting one thing done at a time, tuned into the emotional cues that help you know how to act in alignment with your whole self.
FULL CANCER REPORT, INCLUDING THE NEW MASCULINE Available with paid 6 month or 1-year subscription to Astrology for Earth Renewal. This subscription includes an in-depth New Moon and Full Moon Report each month, as well as discounts on products including monthly audio reports.