Last night I dreamed the Horned One, Stag of the Wild Forest, charged me, and braced his powerful antlers against the left side of my belly. In one swift push and twist I knew he could disembowel me, could kill me–and that he likely would.
I had seen him moments before as part of a herd of female deer. I had seen his antlers and dismissed him. I felt somehow he was as gentle as the others, that he was hardly different. These were my thoughts moments before he charged me.
In that flash where my death was in his keeping, the words that burst from me were–I respect you. I immediately awoke, heart pounding. I knew that the spirit of these wild mountains where I moved two weeks ago had visited me, reminding me that I am here to wake up.
I called the title of my dream: “I Respect You Deer Male.” And I knew he was a force bigger than myself calling me out to wake up bigger, to face my fears, to understand that at every moment I am facing death.
Invoking the Holy Feminine and Awakened Masculine
As I think most of you know, I’m all about that nebulous yet vital force of Creation referred to as the Sacred Feminine, the Goddess, the Immanent Divine, Earth Mother, and on and on.
In working with circles of women and men with the Venus mysteries, I have discovered a living truth–if you want to invoke the masculine, dive deep into the feminine. Life demands this balance. Life is not Either Or, it is Both And.
This is why the altar I use for New Moon and Venus Circles for women is a heart shaped wooden stool made by my father. It is why I have so many visionary, larger-than-life males in my life (all of whom are dedicated to the Divine Feminine!) as teachers.
It is why I share my life with a man dedicated to following his true calling, his own wild nature, his original path–even when it gets hard.
I love the awakened masculine, as I do the holy feminine.
Thus the dream of the Holy Horny God of Nature, he who runs life force like no one can. Just in time for Beltane this weekend, and the Scorpio Full Moon, where we face our fears so as to claim our full power, our full life force energy–and access to our most erotic, lusty, celebratory passion for life.
Join me for Summer Solstice High Ceremony in New Mexico!
I write you now to share a bit of the magic running through my life–and to invite you to play with me this Summer Solstice.
I will be joining Shamanic Astrology Mystery School co-founder and high priestess Cayelin Castell at Faywood Hotsprings, New Mexico, a truly magical place with an alive Standing Stone Circle aligned to the Solstice and Equinox points. This land and its healing waters were understood for many generations of native people to be sacred. It runs along the Chaco Meridian, the Chakras of the Earth in this part of the world.
This Summer Solstice features an incredibly powerful alignment between Venus, the Crescent Moon, and Jupiter. We will hold high ceremony under the velvety, pitch black night sky, twinkling with the brightest of stars.
In this 3-day immersion retreat we will explore, through dream work, shamanic journeying, astro-drama, journaling, conversation and investigation of each individuals astrological birth chart, the Divine Feminine as expressed uniquely through each of us, and through the mysteries of Venus.
The Early Bird Special ends this Friday May 1. Learn more and register here! And listen to my Google Hangout Video with Cayelin Castell here.
We hope you’ll join us!! And more to come on the Beltane Scorpio Full Moon in the next couple days!!