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Aries New Moon With Uranus Initiates Clear Action

Week of March 30 to April 5

Night Sky Viewing Venus is still bright in the morning sky, rising in the east about 2 hours before sunrise. Mars is rising in the east very close to sunset now, and by April 8 will be at opposition with the Sun, signaling a new Mars in Libra Synodic Cycle. Jupiter is near the top of the sky when the sun sets, disappearing in the west at about 2:00 am. Saturn rises in the east about three hours after sunset, and remains visible until sunrise. The waxing crescent Moon appears within four degrees after sunset Friday night, reaching conjunction near midnight, and Saturday crosses the Galactic Edge, at 0 Cancer in the center of the Sacred Hoop.

Aries New Moon With Uranus Initiates Clear Action

Today (Monday) we are in the full, action oriented energy of the Aries New Moon, which was exact yesterday (Sunday) afternoon and will appear as a wisp of a crescent in the evening sky tonight. Today is a very powerful time to become clear on what we wish to accomplish over the next two weeks.

This New Moon is supercharged, as it occurred so close to Uranus. The Moon was conjunct Uranus yesterday evening. The Sun will be conjunct Uranus Wednesday. Uranus wakes us up to maximum possibilities, and helps us release old patterns so that we can take action toward our most inspired lives.

The first two weeks of April are a period of time where we have the greatest clarity and support to take action and “clear the decks” of unfinished business, tying up loose ends, and strengthening habits and practices of self-care.

Meditation, exercise, time outside, and healthy eating habits are especially vital at this time, so that we are in balance, grounded, and focused on completion of the tasks at hand. We have been receiving clear guidance around what we CAN control at this time, what needs to shift and be nourished in our practices, thought patterns, and focused attention. So now is the time to take action based on that guidance.

These two weeks can be a magical time, filled with enthusiasm for the journey, as we continue to open to the fresh new areas of inspiration, insight, and transformation that have been blessing our lives in the past months, in the midst of the intensity. I highly encourage the practice of asking, each morning–“what action can I take today is most energizing and inspiring to me?” and making sure we take the time to do this thing.

Over the next two weeks we can choose to clear the path of unnecessary stress and overwhelm. This isn’t about perfection, or completing “everything,” but about tending to what is essential, including those practices that help us stay energetically healthy, and positive.

Though we may fall into overwhelm ANYWAY, or get off track, the key is to keep returning to what puts us into our center, and what opens us to spiritual support and guidance. We are focusing more of our attention on what we desire, and what feels most joyful to us. We have been stating our intentions for greater joy, delight, and passion in our lives.

This statement of intent FIRST causes us to feel great discomfort in all the ways we are not in alignment with our true desire and nature. Continue to ask for help clearing and transforming these old patterns of misalignment, and take action on the clear guidance you receive–in small areas of your life first, building your spiritual muscles for the bigger decisions.

We will be amazed by the way the Universe responds to our openness and willingness to be present to our lives and take the next steps in trust.

With the Sun activating the T-Square of Uranus, Pluto, and Jupiter this week, we are feeling the intensity build even as we tend with as much focus and clarity as possible to what is in front of us. We are learning to navigate this energy with greater trust and ease. I am finding that the key truly is dedicating space and time to meditation and prayer.

Last month with the Pisces New Moon and Venus’s activation of the Crown Chakra, it is as though we now have full access to the loving energy of the Divine Source. I have been imaging myself bathed in pure light, with loving energy streaming into my Crown Chakra, overflowing.

At the same time, as I’ve been spending more time outside hiking, walking, gardening, I feel deeply rooted and able to center in my body. I STILL get off center and into fear sometimes, but am getting better at returning to center.

The “Super Libra Full Moon” or Lunar Eclipse on April 15th marks the entry into a two-week eclipse window which will also feature the first Pluto Uranus square of the year (April 21) and the closest Grand Cross (April 23) many of us will see in our lifetimes. This is followed on April 28 by the Solar Eclipse (Taurus Super New Moon).

So we have 15 days of clarity and action to tend to, before stepping into the “otherworldly cauldron” of the Eclipse window containing the Uranus Pluto Square and Grand Cross during the second half of April.

During that period, we’ll want more space for ceremony, for spiritual retreat, a simplified schedule so as to maximize our receptivity to spiritual guidance and breakthroughs.

If we are able, set aside time on the 15, 21, 23, and/or 28 for ceremony big or small, for prayer or meditation, for long hikes or walks in nature, or gatherings with friends dear to your heart for connection and soul nourishment, or if ceremony means for you going to your local cafe with a journal to gain clarity on the insights and patterns that have been swirling around you in your busy life–then create time for that!

We do what we can in these coming weeks to create space around the last two weeks of April, so as to be available for these potent energies to uplift, deepen, and transform our very being. Remember that we have chosen to live in these times of great potential and possibility. We have chosen to be a light in this world.

This does not mean disowning or judging the parts of ourselves that feel weak, or afraid, or unworthy. It means developing daily habits to meet these aspects and illuminate them with our love and full compassion. As we cultivate these practices for ourselves, we become agents of love, healing, and miracles for all those whose lives we touch. Weekly Transits

March 30, Sunday. Daylight savings time for the European Union. The Aries New Moon (9 Aries 59) is exact at 11:45 am. The Moon catches up to Uranus (12 Aries 18) at 3:45 pm. March 31, Monday. The Moon enters Taurus at 10:20 pm. April 1, Tuesday. All Fools day. Sun (11 Aries 31) squares Jupiter (11 Cancer 31) at 12:40 am. April 2, Wednesday. Sun conjuncts Uranus (12 Aries 29) at 12:08 am. April 3, Thursday. Sun (13 Aries 33) squares Pluto (13 Capricorn 33) at 2:19 am. Moon moves into Gemini at 4:48 am as it passes 6.8° S of the Pleiades. April 4, Friday. The Moon passes 2.2° NNW of Aldebaran just after midnight. April 5, Saturday. Venus moves into Pisces at 1:31 Ppm. The Moon moves into Cancer at 2:40 pm crossing the Galactic Cross at the Galactic edge.

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