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Aries New Moon with Uranus: All IN!

+++Special Note on Readings: In response to emails from several concerned clients, I want to make clear I WILL continue to be offering readings at a distance through my travels. One of the things I love most about my work is that I can do it from ANYWHERE! So if you would like to schedule a reading with me, email me at

The Super Aries New Moon was exact at 5:24 this morning (Thursday, April 7) Mountain Time. This can be seen as a “Super New Moon,” as it occurs just a few hours before perigee, the moment the Moon is closest to the Earth.

It’s also a very special New Moon because it occurs within less than two degrees of Uranus. We are finally experiencing the the energizing, alive, bright energies of the “New Aries,” after several years where we have been dismantling the “old” armored Aries, with the series of eclipsed Aries New and Full Moons and Aries South Node since 2014.

My ascendant is in Aries, just 2 degrees from this New Moon, so I identify strongly with the “New Aries.” As I see and feel it, the healthy new Aries is absolutely in love with life, is inspired to always move forward into new territory, creating, inspiring, being inspired, and savoring every moment of the journey.

My motto this year, honoring Uranus triggering my Ascendant in Aries, is “I’m All In.” I have been seeing the ways I tiptoe through life, hesitant to make full choices, to dive headlong, to fully claim my right to act, to create, to forge ahead, led by my fierce soulful instincts.

Over the past few years I have found that one of the most powerful practices I can cultivate is to continually ask myself–what inspires me about my life today? What am I doing that lights me up from the inside? How can I spend MORE time there? How, if I feel stuck, can I do that one thing that makes me come alive?

Last night I asked for guidance from the Aries New Moon and Uranus in my dreaming. The theme in my many dreams coming through loud and clear was this: When you make your decisions based on what you think you “should” do, you sap yourself of life force energy and everything becomes heavy and burdensome.

Now Aries is up for a challenge–it thrives on challenge But for Aries life is NOT heavy, it is a joy. New Aries loves to play at life, seeing it as a game, being willing to make mistakes, and take risks, and fall flat on her or his face, and then getting up and saying–wasn’t that glorious??? Wasn’t it FUN?

This year I am taking a lot of new risks and stepping into very new territory. As a result, I have seen myself make a lot of “mistakes”–seeing where I could have, in hindsight, done something better. I saw myself get caught in worry and anxiety about this, and have begun a NEW practice.

I say to myself–you’re such a bad-ass for taking a new risk! Good for you! You can keep getting better but in the meantime, look how brave you are for stepping out of your comfort zone!

And in a way, we are ALL in this same place. Everyone I speak with is experiencing massive transition and change in their lives, and there is so much around the corner we simply cannot see clearly.

So I encourage you, next time you feel you screwed up, made a mistake, or experience an outcome you don’t like–can you see how this “error” was the direct result of your courage in stepping forward, and doing your best, and being courageous?

Can you see and feel how courageous you are to keep moving forward with trust, in the midst of such great change? Can you see the resilience you have cultivated within yourself and celebrate THAT?

Can we invite the joyful, innocent, courageous and unshakeable strength of Aries to rise up within and help us continue moving forward, trusting our ability to keep getting better, keep playing the game more skillfully, enjoying the experience fully, with all of our senses intact?

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