With the completion of the Venus in Gemini Cycle and beginning of a Venus in Capricorn cycle, some of you are just completing your Venus Return, and others are just beginning a new Venus Return in Capricorn.
I would like to offer the following specials for men and women in these times of powerful initiation, because my recent research into the Venus Return cycle–and my own return, which I am completing now!–have convinced me everyone can benefit greatly from working with the cycle consciously and ceremonially.
If you are finishing your Gemini Venus Return (find out here), I will offer you $50 off a special 90 minute Venus Cycle & 2014 Transits update or (if this is your first reading) a 2 hour Birth Chart plus Venus Cycle and 2014 Transits reading.
This reading will help you to extract the greatest meaning and empowerment from your completion of the cycle. I will ask that you prepare a special Venus Cycle Review in preparation for our reading. If you are beginning your Capricorn Venus Return Cycle (find out here) I will again offer you $50 off a 90 minute or 2 hour session (as above) but the Venus Reading will provide you with the timings and tools you need to work powerfully with this cycle to help you step into your inner Goddess (for women) and accomplish the Sacred Marriage (for men).
If you have not done so already, I will ask you to prepare a special Venus Life Review prior to the reading, to extract the greatest meaning from your cycle.
To schedule a reading with me email me at tamibrunk@yahoo.com.
May you step into 2014 with joy, anticipation, and great creativity!
Tami Brunk