February 7 to 20
Full Moon in Leo with Saturn Station The Leo Full Moon is exact today at about 3:00 pm MST, and occurs as Saturn stations retrograde at the very latest degrees of Libra: 29’30. Beginning last Tuesday with Venus opposite Mars, many of us have been doing a lot of “work” around relationships. We experienced the energizing of underlying tensions and growth potential in our closest partnerships.
This focus continues for the next several days with Saturn’s direct station. Saturn has been in Libra since October of 2009. Because it is stationing retrograde today in this area, we are feeling a kind of crescendo, or intensive download of all the unlearning and learning we have been doing around relationships over the past 2 years.
All My Relations
We might consider; how have my closest relationships shifted and changed over the past two years? What new relationships have come into my life and what have I been learning from them? What relationships have ended, and why? How have my continuing relationships grown, and what have I been learning from them?
As you consider this, don’t stay focused only on your relationship with other human beings. Consider pets, the plants in your garden, the soil, water, air that surrounds you, the mountains and rivers, the wild plants, birds, animals, insects, the Moon and Sun, planets and stars. Ancestors, guides, fairies, spirit allies. In other words: “all my relations.” How have you grown and learned from your relationships with them?
What does it mean that this time of focus on relationship is accompanied by a Leo Full Moon, which is an opportunity to embrace a full experience of radiant, radical self-love? We are reminded that in the Libra dance between Self and Other, our sense of self must become strong and healthy enough to contribute its own unique steps and style. It is also a reminder that relationships are often the most powerful catalysts for our personal growth and self-knowing.
So tonight through the next few days, in our meditations and ceremonies, we can celebrate our own beautiful selves, and our many “soul mates” who have contributed so much to our realization. And as with any Full Moon, we can name and release the remaining barriers that block self-love, as well as those that hold us back from the most heart-full connections with our beloveds in the world surrounding. Venus Activates Pluto Uranus Square
As the Scorpio Goddess (Venus) continues to claim her connection to her personal heart and her full capacity to love, she moves into the sign of Aries today (Monday). On Thursday, she is conjunct Uranus, and next Wednesday she squares Pluto. It feels like a gift to me that the Scorpio Sacred Feminine is activating the Uranus Pluto square, from her courageous Warrior (Aries) heart.
Pluto and Uranus as Alchemical Agents
Over the next two weeks we will be experiencing 2012’s big “Breakdown/Breakthrough” (Pluto Uranus square) from the perspective of the Sacred Feminine. I have been reading a wonderful book about alchemy: On Becoming an Alchemist” by Catherine MacCoun. She describes an experience of spiritual growth where we first “elevate” or raise our vibration so that we can experience the celestial realm of Spirit and higher consciousness. Immediately after, we experience a rapid “descent” into the lower realms of matter, or the Soul.
This is a necessary process, because our elevation to higher consciousness is where we receive our higher intentions or “marching orders” helping us to evolve personally and collectively. If we simply bring our intentions back down to Earth and attempt to actualize them, we get stuck because they are not aligned with our deeper will. Higher intention alone cannot be made manifest in “real time.”
When we descend, we are engaging in the “involution” process where we are taken apart and then healed into wholeness. We are made ready for fully empowered, appropriate action in middle world reality. In the process, we access our full will, which is aligned to the Earth and the Sacred Feminine. When we return to middle world reality with our (masculine) Spirit and (feminine) Soul in alignment, we can accomplish our higher intentions and the work of the Earth Mage.
This, in fact, is a perfect description of the Pluto/Uranus square. We are waking up to the most expansive, possibility-filled, higher consciousness available to us from the Upper World. I have seen how many of us have days of feeling giddy with excitement as we see what is possible. Then we are plunged into the Underworld for soul retrieval. We might experience great feelings of loss, pain, anger… or ecstasy. This gets easier as we learn to surrender to the process.
This week, we experience the “waking up,” expansive energy of Uranus and the Leo Full Moon (Aquarius Sun/Leo Moon). We have access to our most creative, innovative, and expansive selves. Next week we experience the intensive deepening of Venus square Pluto on Wednesday, as well as Tuesday’s Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio-which emphasizes the Underworld dynamic. Remember that we are involved in a sacred process, and that we have the intelligence of the living Universe as our guide on this journey. Dwelling in the Heart of the Universe: The Philosopher’s Stone
Neptune, which moved into Pisces last week, continues to be felt powerfully as well for the next two weeks. Next Monday (February 13), Mercury is conjunct Neptune in the sign of Pisces. On Saturday, the Sun moves into Pisces, and next Sunday (the 19th) the Sun is conjunct Neptune. So through the intensity of the next two weeks we find that we can rest in the Heart of God/Goddess, where we experience the Oneness of all things.
MacCoun writes of the process whereby the alchemist finally creates the “Philosophers Stone:” the ultimate accomplishment for a fully initiated alchemist. She believes that this can only happen when the empowered magician, who has followed and fully developed her desire and will and knows his own strength as a Creator-surrenders her personal power and aligns it with the will of God/Goddess.
To me, this echoes the movement of Royal Star Regulus from 29 Leo to 0 Virgo last November. We have just crossed the threshold where humanity undergoes an alchemical transformation, from the self-actualized, fully empowered (and self-focused) magician into He/She who surrenders to the will of God/Goddess.
Since watching The Journey of the Universe last week, (a wonderful film I highly recommend) I have been exploring God/Goddess as that self-organizing impulse of evolution/involution that has created life and creation that exists in our Universe, and gave birth to our planet Earth. So it is that I celebrate humanity’s conscious alignment of our own will with that beautiful, encompassing Will.