We’ve been navigating intense and seemingly contradictory energies over the past week.
We are learning what it means to go to extremes and continually pull ourselves back to center.
The Sun has been with Chiron, preparing to square Saturn, and so it is activating old grief and supporting us in making the changes we need to make so that we can allow a full experience of our grief and other feelings to be the catalyst to constructively change our lives.
The Time is Now to Manifest As the Love Warriors That We Are
We are now near the heart of the Venus Retrograde period, and as I’ve written before this is a VERY powerful time to align ourselves with what we want to create in our lives and world because we can seed that very powerfully now.
This is also a time where a lot of old habits and patterns–core areas that keep us stuck and hold us back from our full Divine Nature–are coming into our awareness and are ready to be shifted and transmuted and healed.
What this demands from us is our awareness of the pattern, and holding it and ourselves in a softer way of love and compassion, rather than harsh judgments that keep us locked in these old patterns–as their origination point is often judgement, shame and blame.
The Leo Meta-Goddess, as we have come to see the emerging Feminine Archetype at the completion of a Venus Cycle–is fully accessible to us now, if we call on her and see where she has come alive in us over the past 19 months.
A Practice That Has Been Working for Me
For me the pattern that has emerged is one where I tend to go into over-giving and in the process sacrifice my own autonomy and right to be. This is the shadow side of all the Pisces we’ve been immersed in–we can get locked into an addictive pattern of choosing to lose self in Other.
This can be attractive to us so that we don’t have to fully feel, claim and integrate our own experiences, our own essence. It can lead to an overload of our personal pain, so that we do not have the bandwidth to authentically meet life. It can become a habit that is deeply ingrained and causes heartbreak because that is not how our Divine Nature wishes to be expressed.
What I have discovered, with such powerful support from my sister Trina Brunk and the many practices and tools I have gathered over the years is that when I bring my full awareness to this pattern, I can shift it. And I am. I am also seeing how accustomed to living from a place of stress I am, and how I am now ready to be motivated and sourced by inner peace and calm.
Part of what has been helping me is anchoring into my body and awareness the many ways I have been learning to be Self Loving. This practice helps me heal my deep fear that I will never fully learn to put my needs first. I have come to see this as my sacred wound (Chiron is, after all in my 1st House of Identity and Self).
Daily Practices to Anchor Self Love
I challenge you to use one or more of these daily practices from now through March 25 when Venus meets the Sun. This is a powerful way to anchor all the good work you have been doing for the past 19 months to anchor self love into your life as a central mode of being. And the healing that can occur in this window with these practices is POTENT. 1. Finding Proof of Self Love Journal for 20 minutes on all the ways you have practiced self care, self love over the past week, or day. Look for those areas and moments where you made the choice to care for your body, your emotional well being, you chose to listen to your intuition, you chose to allow yourself the nurturing you would want a beloved friend to experience.
This exercise helps us understand how much we are growing, and begin to develop greater self-trust. What we focus on grows. So we can feel proud of the ways we are growing and claiming our own divine right to be.
2. Write a list of 10 to 100 things you love about yourself. This is something Cayelin and I encouraged our Venus Alchemy community to do our Leo Venus Teleclass Series and it has powerful results.
3. If you get stuck (or even if you don’t!) ask someone who loves you to share with you 10-100 things they love about you. You might even post on FB if you use social media–what do you love about me? Be specific. This takes real courage! You might use this as an opportunity to spread awareness that Self Love is a healthy thing.
Using these practices or others you devise to amp up your level of self love, self care, and full self-responsibility is THE MOST powerful thing you can do from now through March 25 to prepare for the new Aries Venus Cycle. By the time Venus rises as Morning Star your light will shine so brightly, your well will be so full, you will be so rooted in your Divine Essence and Grace, you will be fully read to be the Love Warrior you were born to be. TWO Other Ways to Practice Self Love!
Join my and Cayelin’s new Venus Alchemy Class beginning April 17, the Aries Arise Series where participants go through the full Venus Morning Star Cycle as ceremony, or better yet join us for the full 19-month Venus Cycle initiation.
This is literally a once in a lifetime opportunity you won’t want to miss!
We have extended the Early Bird Special Rate to March 20. Learn more and enroll HERE
Join me at the Fierce Feminine Qoya Retreat in Costa Rica April 1-8 ONLY 5 SPOTS LEFT
This event is going to be life changing! Working with Rochelle to bring Venus’s mysteries into full embodiment through a marriage of Qoya and Shamanic Astrology is a dream come true.
For the first time I will be facilitating a live Venus Workshop at the very moment Venus rises as Morning Star, arguably the most powerful moment in her cycle, and the last Aries Venus Cycle of our lifetime.
Participants will explore the connection between the Inanna Mythology and Venus’s Cycles, we will discover and explore our Ancient and Future Goddess and bring her to life through the embodiment practices, ceremony, and expressive arts offered through Qoya, facilitated by Rochelle and Virginia Rosenfeld, a brilliant intuitive astrologer in her own right, and “Sparkle Shamelessly creator, Wild Woman Lainie Love Dalby.
Together, in one the most beautiful settings I have ever experienced at Blue Spirit in Nosara, Costa Rica, we will call forth the Aries Goddess, the Wild Woman and Fierce Feminine into our being and into our world–just as she rises as Morning Star initiating this powerful cycle!
Learn more about this incredible course and my amazing collaborators HERE!