SUPER Taurus New Moon and Eclipse Tonight!
The Taurus Super New Moon–New Moon PLUS Solar Eclipse–is exact tonight (Thursday) at 6:30 pm MDT. This is a special “Annular Eclipse,” where the Moon only partially covers the Sun, creating a “ring of fire” effect. However, you would have to live in Tarawa, a couple of islands in the South Pacific, to see that specific phenomenon! Regardless of whether we can see it or not, this is a very powerful moment for ceremony, and planting seeds for manifestation.
We can work with this Super New Moon through the weekend, with special potency through tomorrow (Friday) evening. I call the New Moon + Eclipse a “Super New Moon” because the effects are amplified when the Sun and Moon are lined up precisely with the Earth, from our perspective. The New Moon is a moment where the Sun and Moon are in the same zodiac sign, transmitting most powerfully the energies, in this case, of Taurus.
This is the New Moon we have all been waiting for! Since the “Eclipse Window” opened with the Scorpio Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse on April 26 we have been completing a deep degree of psychic, emotional, and physical “clutter clearing,” releasing the thoughts, habits, patterns, and beliefs that have held us locked in rigidity, fear, and limitation.
This last two weeks has also marked the completion period for Venus’s 2 ½ month “Underworld” journey as well-which has intensified the “ceremonial death” feeling of this past 2 weeks.
Excerpt from Full Report:
How does it Work to Actually Manifest? When it comes to physical manifestation, I have noticed that people who are good at manifesting lives and physical reality that are aligned with their deeper values and desires tend to begin with a strong and declarative statement of what they wish to create.
But they do not stop there. They work steadily to “get there,” yet they also allow Grace to flow into the cracks, taking them in new directions if needed as they open to the possibility that Divine might have a BETTER plan.
They also tend to have, and actively cultivate and strengthen healthy self-esteem–meaning that they are learning to live as though they ARE divine children of God. This often takes work too–untangling and clearing old messages–like mine above, that keep us separate from our innate worthiness and divinity.
To receive this full report–there is a LOT more great stuff, AND a 1 hour audio file detailing the major events for all of May 2013 (there is a ton going on!) subscribe now, for 6 months or a year.
Then email me, at, to make sure I have your correct address to send full reports. LET ME KNOW if you would like me to send you the May Audio Report. Thank you!