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Sun in Virgo and Saturn Square Chiron

Weaving the Sacred Back into Our World

In times such as ours of great darkness and great light, we need the weaver within to awaken and remember her sacred art. The Sun moves into Virgo today at 9:06 pm PDT, invoking the healing medicine of Grandmother Spider, a Creation Goddess known to Native People across the southwestern U.S.

Saturn is also approaching its final square to Chiron in a 1 1/2 year cycle that has forced us to confront the wound in U.S. culture and history and our deep need for reconciliation and healing.

Grandmother Spider is known as the force that weaves our world into being. When we are aligned with her, we are attuned to the pattern of Creation and our actions reweave wholeness, healing and harmony into the world around us. In our time where the old story must be dismantled and a new one constructed in its place, she is potent medicine indeed.

I tasted this Virgo medicine in a way I will never forget one afternoon in a writing workshop with the great southwestern author Terry Tempest Williams. She is a fierce and eloquent environmental advocate for her beloved southwestern redrock country. She has a stellium in Virgo of Venus, Sun, Mercury and Mars.

We gathered in the wake of 9/11 and the U.S. invasion of Iraq. This was a time where people who care for the Earth and her people held the deepest of sorrow and despair in the state of our country and world. It was a time like now, where Saturn was opposite Chiron, forcing us to confront the great wound of our U. S. culture and it’s impact in the world,

Terry asked each of us to write about terror, and then to write about beauty.

We each read aloud, many in tears. She listened attentively, taking notes. When we were all complete she took a moment of silence before reading her own poem. It was a beautiful tapestry comprised of all our words, tied together with a story of an elderly woman she had spoken with outside the room before our gathering.

She took the fragments of our broken feelings and she made something whole. She wove together what happened inside our circle and at its circumference. In a time where it felt as if everything holy was being violated, she wove the sacred back into our hearts and into our minds.

That is the power of Virgo when she comes from the heart. And with the Pisces Full Moon on Sunday morning, as well as the Saturn Chiron square, we are asked: how can I speak to the beauty and the anguish I see and feel inside and outside, and from these raw fragments weave the holy spirit back into our wounded world, back into my broken open heart?

In Terry’s words:

Finding beauty in a broken world is creating beauty in the world we find.”


NEW: Chiron Pisces Alchemical Dream Healing Course October 2 to November 20

Meet My Muse, the Snake Goddess. She emerged from the potent work I and an extraordinary group of Dream Voyagers accomplished in my first Alchemical Dream Healing Course.

It was so incredible I decided to offer it again–in that potent window of time where Chiron moves back into Pisces for the last time until 2062. You are invited to join us, and the first 8 people who sign up will receive a group Dream Re-entry, as part of the course.

Hope you can join us in this shared field of Dream Healing! I am SO blown away by all the incredible astrological events that support our work together!! Learn More and Enroll Here!

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