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Healing the Sacred Masculine and Mercury Direct


Dear Friends,

Late last night, Mercury stationed direct after 3 weeks traveling retrograde in the sign of Leo. On August 22nd, Mercury will pass through its “retrograde shadow.” As of today, we are beginning to extend ourselves out from the more internal, reflective spaces of Mercury Retrograde, though we’re not quite “out” of it yet.

We have the next two weeks to fully digest and integrate the mysteries of Leo, and how it heals our minds and consciousness to replace our old stories of low self-worth and smallness with the reality of our innate beauty, wholeness, and capacity to love and radiate generosity.

Venus in Cancer is providing us with a big dose of nurturance from the Heart of the Great Mother as she sails through the center of the Sacred Hoop, or Galactic Cross, which has represented a birthing point for many cultures.

The night sky is spectacular with this weekend’s Perseid meteor showers as the big highlight. Watch for them after midnight Saturday and Sunday evenings (Sunday and Monday mornings). They should be especially visible this weekend compared to last year, as the Moon is nearing crescent phase.

Saturn, Mars, and Spica have been in a dance this past week and on Friday night will form a circle of 4.6 degrees. In the morning sky, Jupiter and Aldebaran are very near conjunction all week. The Moon can be seen near the Pleiades Friday morning, near conjunction with Jupiter Saturday morning, and conjunct Venus Monday morning.

Much love, many blessings,


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Men, and the Sacred Masculine, are experiencing profound transformation at this time and like women, they need support through this passage. We need each other, and we need to find within ourselves the holy reverence for the journey itself, even when it looks ugly, or raw, or when the places that had opened suddenly shut down again. That is part of the process. It is not neat, and it is not final.

My altar, which I use to consecrate God/dess, rests on a heart shaped oak stool built by my father. As the Sacred Feminine rises within our world, the Sacred Masculine prepares Himself for her, and for their holy union.

His preparation is the falling away of the many layers of armor and protection that we (especially men but truly, all of us) have for so long carried within our prevailing, fight or flight culture. As we become more raw, more vulnerable, more alive, and more broken open, we may experience fresh pain, and discomfort.

Yet I deeply believe that our new openness and vulnerability; to the broader world, to each other, and to the interior of ourselves; is leading to a new kind of strength. A kind of strength, courage, and capability that does not shut out emotions, that does not ridicule sensitivity. This strength that is emerging will help us to be warriors in service to life, wholeness, and our global Earth family.

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