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Birth Chart Interpretation for Beginners
Informed by the Shamanic Astrology Paradigm
Five Week Intensive
October 6 to November 10
Thursdays 7:00 to 8:30 pm Central


Week One: The Basic Architecture of a Birth Chart and Shamanic Astrology Introduction

Week Two: The 12 Astrological Archetypes, Modalities and Elements

Week Three: Inner and Outer Planets, Nodes and Personal Angles

Week Four: Outer Planetary Complexes, Asteroids and Power Points

Week Five: Putting it all together and intensive Practice Session


You Will Receive:

  • Five 90 minute live calls (recordings provided within 24 hours)

  • Q and A's

  • Breakout sessions to deepen learning

  • Home play assignments to support accelerated learning

  • Online community to accelerate learning process

  • Resources to deepen and further future studies


Required Reading: 

Shamanic Astrology Handbook by Daniel Giamario with Cayelin Castell (print version or e-book) available HERE


Active Dreaming Process


All my intensives include an Active Dreaming Element so we create a dreaming field together to more accurately, intuitively, and coherently access the new emerging information about the subject we are exploring.  In this course we will be dreaming literally with the sky in the chart, with each of the astrological signs and elements, with each of the planets, Sun and Moon. 


I recommend buying a dream journal and utilizing some of the practices in this video as well as playing the Lightning Dreamwork game with a friend or partner you choose from the group and sharing in our WhatSapp Group.  I have modeled this in the video for you. 


Looking forward to dreaming together as we go along!! 



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