Meet Tami
Earth Sky Woman
your cosmic blueprint
Tami Brunk, MS, BA founder of the Earth Sky Woman Collective and Podcast, co-founder of Venus Alchemy is an Earth Mystic, Astrologer and Dream Healer helping world changers, visionaries, healers and earth-lovers empower their work with the ancient tools of Sky Alchemy and Earth Dreaming.
She is a fully Certified Shamanic Astrologer and past president of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School (Now TOTAMS) and fully certified Active Dreaming Teacher. She is also a certified Permaculture designer,, Reiki II Practitioner, co-founder of the Marda Permaculture Farm in the West Bank of Palestine and Co-founder of Urban Ecovillage incubator Querencia Green.
Her life passion is to empower activists, world changers, healers and pragmatic visionaries through her work with astrology, earth ceremony, dreamwork, and collective Earth Dreaming practices.
Rarely have I heard someone transmitting truth as you did last night. You are so tapped in to pure source alignment and utter grounded reality... in this clear and humble way that soothed me and awoke my heart. listening to you was like a meditation for me. I felt you literally healing me with your words and your description of our upcoming year..
​To be honest, I think I was a little bit in shock, but in a really good way. SO much of what I have studied on my own in astrology was nothing like what you shared with me. It was as if you were like, hey, let's take off these old glasses for a moment and here, here is a new pair of frames through which to see. For me, it reminded me of the first time I wore glasses, I was like, oh! so that's what the world looks like! It's so clear and colorful!
I am in awe after our transits reading. By receiving the sacred, precious, and invaluable information from you and your compassionate style I feel my souls map directly speaking and translating what has been going on and what is coming. I feel the entire unconditionally loving universe holding my hand. I trust deeper what’s ahead.